Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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143 items matching your criteria

  • dongo
    Language code: N15 Language: tonga
    Translation: earth, mud, clay, soil
  • dòngú"
    Language code: N15 Language: tonga
    Translation: clay
  • dòngò
    Language code: N21 Language: tumbuka
    Translation: earth, mud, clay, soil
  • dongo"
    Language code: N21 Language: tumbuka
    Translation: cement or pounded pieces of old pots
  • dongo
    Language code: N31a Language: nyanja
    Translation: barro
  • nongo"
    Language code: N41 Language: senga
    Translation: water-jar (a deeper kind), waterpot
  • tSilongo"
    Language code: N41 Language: senga
    Translation: clod
  • dongo
    Language code: N44 Language: sena
    Translation: barro
  • ndongolomua
    Language code: N44 Language: sena
    Translation: lump of dry clay
  • lilongo/malongo"
    Language code: P21 Language: yao
    Translation: barro