Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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79 items matching your criteria

  • nkhando"
    Language code: M31 Language: nkhonde
    Translation: place where clay for pots is taken from
  • kuwombeka"
    Language code: M31 Language: nkhonde
    Translation: to dip clay into water before preparing it to be used for making pots
  • kuponda"
    Language code: M31 Language: nkhonde
    Translation: to pound clay, to stamp clay
  • kusingula"
    Language code: M31 Language: nkhonde
    Translation: to mix clay with cement or pounded pieces of old pots
  • kulipyesha
    Language code: M31 Language: nkhonde
    Translation: to knead clay to make it smooth and soft before forming a pot out of it
  • kusyungulisha"
    Language code: M31 Language: nkhonde
    Translation: to make a pot round before burning it in fire
  • kututumura"
    Language code: M31 Language: nkhonde
    Translation: to extend a pot or to enlargen a pot before burning it in fire
  • likungwe"
    Language code: M31 Language: nkhonde
    Translation: maize cob for smoothening the pot
  • lukolomphi"
    Language code: M31 Language: nkhonde
    Translation: snail shell for smoothening the pot
  • kaliwe"
    Language code: M31 Language: nkhonde
    Translation: smooth round stone for smoothening the pot