Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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30 items matching your criteria

  • dongo"
    Language code: S10 Language: shona
    Translation: clay
  • rondo"
    Language code: S10 Language: shona
    Translation: clay pit
  • ndiro"
    Language code: S10 Language: shona
    Translation: piece of calabash on which the pot is made
  • kunemba
    Language code: S10 Language: shona
    Translation: to decorate a pot
  • biso"
    Language code: S10 Language: shona
    Translation: very large pot with wide mouth with sides going straight upwards and not curving in the neck at all, used for beer making
  • mvuve"
    Language code: S10 Language: shona
    Translation: relish pot
  • denhe"
    Language code: S10 Language: shona
    Translation: wide-mouthed with short, curved neck to keep upfu or meal
  • guri"
    Language code: S10 Language: shona (tebe)
    Translation: mealie cob is used to smooth the outside of clay rolls of which a pot is made
  • mushenjere"
    Language code: S10 Language: shona (tebe)
    Translation: a piece of sharp bamboo for shaping a pot
  • dùng&a/madùng&a"
    Language code: S10 Language: shona
    Translation: unburnt clay pot