Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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16 items matching your criteria

  • ndongwana"
    Language code: S21 Language: venda
    Translation: small bowls with rounded or projecting bases. Height about 8 cm. Decorated with colour and graphic design.
  • tshingo"
    Language code: S21 Language: venda
    Translation: deep bowls with tickened rims and rounded bases. Height 13-20 cm. Simple graphic design. Small size, for cooking meat vegetables or small amounts of porridge; for keeping milk to turn sour
  • dzhomela"
    Language code: S21 Language: venda
    Translation: small spherical pots with thickened rims and rounded bases. Height about 12 cm. For drinking / Bag-shaped, sub-carinated pot with everted neck formed with well-defined point of inflection, rounded rim and rounded base. Height about 15 cm. Decorated with colour and design. For drinking beer.
  • bèlè"
    Language code: S21 Language: venda
    Translation: a chip or piece which cracks off a pot that is being fired
  • mb“i3a;
    Language code: S21 Language: venda
    Translation: pipe bowl carved from soapstone, for hemp-smoking
  • g3amb3a/makamba"
    Language code: S21 Language: venda
    Translation: any pot with wide opening, whether actually so made or only broken down to this shape afterwards