
This page shows an example on how to use the Europeana API to retrieve data from the Royal Museum for Central Africa.
There are two versions: More information on the implementation can be found in the source code of these pages.

In the interface you can search for the metadata the Royal Museum for Central Africa provides to Europeana, Europe's digital library, archive and museum. By default you retrieve all records the museum provides, but you can also decide to just search for metadata provided to Europeana via the EC funded projects BHL-Europe, Sterna and/or MIMO.
The integration of the code in the website of the Royal Museum for Central Africa can be seen at: http://www.africamuseum.be/collections/browsecollections/europeana
For information on the Europeana API, please visit: http://www.version1.europeana.eu/web/api

Copyright (c) – Royal Museum for Central Africa 2012
For information and reuse of the code please contact: cybertaxonomy@africamuseum.be
Thanh-Son Du, ICT-department, Royal Museum for Central Africa
Boris Jacob, Biodiversity Information and Cybertaxonomy Services, Royal Museum for Central Africa

 All collections          BHL-Europe collection          Sterna collection       MIMO collection
