Staff directory

Nathalie Smitz

  • Lombal, A.,  Meganck, K.,  Vanderheyden, A.,  Smitz, N.,  Backeljau, T. & De Meyer, M. 2022. ‘BopCo, a barcoding facility for organisms and tissues of policy concern, and its role in the identification of vector species’. 22nd European ESOVE conference. Book of abstracts. Sofia, Bulgaria, 85.
  • Dimzas, D.,  Di Cesare, A.,  Morelli, S.,  Iorio, R.,  Backeljau, T.,  Vanderheyden, A.,  Lombal, A.,  De Meyer, M.Meganck, K.Smitz, N.,  Kassari, N.,  Traversa, D. & Diakou, A. 2022. ‘Angiostrongylus chabaudi natural infection in wild caught gastropods’. Seventh European Dirofilaria and Angiostrongylus Days. Book of abstracts. Madrid, Spain., 82.
  • Dimzas, D.,  Di Cesare, A.,  Morelli, S.,  Iorio, R.,  Backeljau, T.,  Vanderheyden, A.,  Lombal, A.,  De Meyer, M.Meganck, K.Smitz, N.,  Kassari, N.,  Traversa, D. & Diakou, A. 2022. ‘Metastrongyloid parasites of felines in naturally infected gastropods in Greece’. 15th ICZEGAR. Book of abstracts. Mytilini, Greece, 66.
  • Vanderheyden, A.,  Lombal, A.,  Meganck, K.Smitz, N.,  Backeljau, T. & De Meyer, M. 2022. ‘A Barcoding Facility for Organisms and Tissues of Policy Concern’. Benelux Congress of Zoology 2022 - Diversity of model organisms and model organisms from diversity. Book of abstracts. Leuven, Belgium.
  • Deblauwe, I.,  Hermy, MRG.,  Schneider, A.,  Vanslembrouck, A.,  Geebelen, L.,  Smitz, N.De Meyer, M.,  Vanderheyden, A.,  Backeljau, T.,  Muller, R.,  Lernout, T.,  Rebolledo, J. & Van Bortel, W. 2022. ‘Multiple detections of Aedes albopictus in Belgium though Citizen Science’. Xth EMCA workshop. Book of abstracts. Mendrisio, Switzerland.
  • Smitz, N.Meganck, K.,  Lombal, A.,  Vanderheyden, A.,  De Meyer, M. & Backeljau, T. 2022. ‘DNA-barcoding, a tool to identify invasive alien species: strengths and limits of the technique’. World Biodiversity Forum 2022. Book of abstracts.
  • Isra Deblauwe,  Katrien De Wolf,  Anna Schneider,  Jacobus De Witte,  Adwine Vanslembrouck,  Wouter Dekoninck,  Nathalie SmitzMarc De Meyer,  Thierry Backeljau,  Ruth Müller & Wim Van Bortel. 2022. ‘From a long-distance threat to the invasion front: a review of the invasive Aedes mosquito species in Belgium between 2007 and 2020’. 5th international workshop on Aedes albopictus. Book of abstracts. Montpellier.
  • Ann Vanderheyden,  Nathalie Smitz,  Isra Deblauwe,  Katrien De Wolf,  Sophie Gombeer,  Kenny Meganck,  Anna Schneider,  Jacobus De Witte,  Wouter Dekoninck,  Thierry Backeljau,  Marc De Meyer,  Ruth Müller,  Javiera Rebolledo Gonzalez & Wim Van Bortel. 2022. ‘MEMO and MEMO+: Identification of introduction pathways and surveillance of exotic Aedes mosquito species in Belgium’. International Conference on DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity. Book of abstracts.
  • Ann Vanderheyden,  Sophie Gombeer,  Anne-Lise Chaber,  Kenny MeganckNathalie Smitz,  Casimir Nebesse,  Prescott Musaba,  Steve Ngoy,  Thierry Backeljau,  Marc De Meyer & Erik Verheyen. 2022. ‘Using MinION Nanopore sequencing to simultaneously identify multiple, illegally imported wild meat samples in Brussels, Belgium’. International Conference on DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity. Book of abstracts.
  • Kenny Meganck,  Sophie Gombeer,  Ann Vanderheyden,  Nathalie Smitz,  Thierry Backeljau & Marc De Meyer. 2022. ‘The Belgian barcoding facility for organisms and tissues of policy concern’. International Conference on DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity. Book of abstracts.