Mollusca Collection & Systematics

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Browse by 'Full name' starting with letter 'Z' : 128 specimens found in the database

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Reg nb Full Name Family Order
145778 Zonitidae sp. Zonitidae Gastropoda
97692 Zootecus insularis Ehbg. Subulinidae Gastropoda
26397 Zootecus insularis Ehbg. Subulinidae Gastropoda
18395 Zootecus insularis Ehbg. Subulinidae Gastropoda
355179 Zootecus insularis Ehbg. Subulinidae Gastropoda
26507 Zootecus pullus Gray Subulinidae Gastropoda
792450 Zootecus sp. Subulinidae Gastropoda
18386 Zootecus subdiaphana Kien. Subulinidae Gastropoda