Bantu Lexical Reconstructions 3

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1 reconstructions matching your criteria
MAIN t&a H (V) throw away; throw; lose; put; trap; play game; do
2708   laisser tomber; jeter; perdre; mettre; poser piège; jouer; faire
  Total Distribution: Regions: 5: NW SW Ce NE SE Zones: 15: A B C D E F G H J K L M N R S
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MAIN 2708 t&a H V throw away; throw; lose; put; trap; play game; do B C D E H J K L M R S
DER 3052 t&UUk H V come from B C D H J K
DER 4863 t&UUkUa H___ N spring C
DER 8892 t&aUd H V pick up, take, receive, carry, pick, gather, make, choose, marry A B C D F G H J L M N S
DER 9208 t&a`i HL N 7 arrow A
DER 9211 t&aag H V throw away; lose; lay eggs B E F G J L M N S
DER 9220 t&aan H V meet, find C L
DER 9233 t&a`i HL N 14 hunting net C
DER 9235 t&a`Ud`Id`i&a HLLLH N 6 reward for finding lost thing L M
DER 9236 t&aUd&e H_H N 9 elite J
DER 9237 t&aUdId`o H__L N 11 stomach; crop of bird J
INC 2707 t&a H V play (game); (set trap)
INC 2709 t&a H V do
REF 2737 t&ag H V throw away
REF 2738 t&ag H V lose
REF 2959 t&ood H V pick up
REF 2960 t&ood H V take, receive
REF 2961 t&ood H V carry
REF 2962 t&ood H V marry
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MAIN 2710 t&a H V call, name B C H P S
MAIN 2821 t&edIk H V put (pot) on the fire; to stand something on end G H J N S
MAIN 6231 t&a`i HL N 6 spittle A B D E F G H J K L M N P R S
MAIN 7833 t&ej H V place, put; lay A G S
7933 t&eed H V hit; lay eggs J
MAIN 9207 t&a`a HL N 14/6 bow A B C D E F G H J K L M N R S