Bantu Lexical Reconstructions 3

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1 reconstructions matching your criteria
MAIN d&aad H (V) lie down, sleep; spend night; be fallow (field)
795   être couché, dormir; passer la nuit; être en friches
  Total Distribution: Regions: 5: NW SW Ce NE SE Zones: 16: A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S
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MAIN 795 d&aad H V lie down, sleep; spend night; be fallow (field) A B C D E F G H J K L M N R S
DER 801 d&aadIk H V invite; convoke F G J L M N P R
DER 2304 d&aadId H V have supper; look after; brood; intend J L M S
DER 3709 d&aada H__ N leftovers; fallow field F J L P N M S
DER 3710 d&aad&e H_H N leftovers; fallow field J
DER 8152 d&aadId`o H__L N 3 supper; evening in company J L M S
DER 8153 d&aadi H__ N lodge; let lie fallow C J
DER 8154 d&aad`o H_L N 14 encampement; temporary housing; sleeping place C J L M
INC 796 d&aad H V sleep
INC 797 d&aad H V pass the night
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MAIN 9025 daado N 7 sheath J F M N R