Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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imbiza imbiza yotywala &Kmbìzà

Language code: S41
Language name: xhosa (mpondo)
Translation: very large barrel-shaped pot with cut rims. Height 58-62 cm. Undecorated with exception of rim which may be notched. Bound with bark cord to strenghten. Used for fermenting and storing beer. Formely an earthen pot for cooking as distinguished form an iron one / a beer pot about 3 ft. high and 2 ft. diameter.
Noun class: 9-10
Tonality: L-L
Reference: Lawton 1967:38; Laidler 1932:780; Du Plessis & Visser 1992:129
Protoform: protoform icon
Protosense: cooking-pot
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