Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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17 items matching your criteria

  • umuwumvi"
    Language code: M51 Language: biisa
    Translation: a potter
  • -wumba"
    Language code: M51 Language: biisa
    Translation: to do potter's work, mould, make / form a mass, group
  • iwumba"
    Language code: M51 Language: biisa
    Translation: clay, earth
  • fundi"
    Language code: M51 Language: biisa
    Translation: craftsman, skilled workman
  • umw-ipika"
    Language code: M51 Language: biisa
    Translation: cooking pot
  • umutondo"
    Language code: M51 Language: biisa
    Translation: water-jar, cooking vessel
  • ichinga/ivinga"
    Language code: M51 Language: biisa
    Translation: sherd, broken earthenware
  • inoNgo"
    Language code: M51 Language: biisa
    Translation: earthen pot (for water, cooking)
  • ululilo"
    Language code: M51 Language: biisa
    Translation: small cooking-pot, dish, plate
  • umwumba
    Language code: M51 Language: biisa
    Translation: a potter