Staff directory

Jacky Maniacky

Jacky Maniacky
Department: Cultural anthropology & history
Division: Culture & Society
Job Title: Head of Human Sciences Department
Specialisms: Linguistics, description and comparison of Bantu languages, Bantu linguistic heritage outside Africa (Latin America, USA)
Phone: 32 2 769 5673

Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Paris, France):

2002 Doctorat (PhD) d'études africaines, mention linguistique
1997 DEA de langues, littératures et civilisations, option linguistique
1996 Diplôme de recherche et d'études appliquées en bantu
1996 Licence de langues, littératures et civilisations, mention études africaines: bantu
1993 Diplôme unilingue de langues et civilisations orientales, option bantu, swahili

Académie de Créteil (France):

1994 BTS commerce international


2014 - present "Culture & Society" Research Unit, RMCA, Tervuren (Belgium): senior researcher
2003 - 2014 Linguistics Service, RMCA, Tervuren (Belgium): post-doc researcher
2002 Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, CNRS & Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France): scientific collaboration
2001 - 2002 Laboratoire Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale, CNRS. Villejuif (France): scientific collaboration.
1997 - 2002 Centre de recherches sur l'Afrique orientale et centrale, INALCO, Paris (France): scientific collaboration


(2021) O Museu Real da África Central, a linguística africana e o vínculo África e Brasil.
VI Encontro Universitário Sobre Linguagem, Cultura e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de Rondônia, Guajara-Mirim (Brasil)

(2019) The expression of “already”, “still”, “no more” and “not yet” in Lingala. 49th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, 26-28 August, Leiden (Pays-Bas)

(2019) Phasal Polarity in Lingala. International Workshop: Current Debates and Topics in the Study of Lingala. May 11, Universitäten Mainz (Germany)(Invited)

(2018)(with Alzenir Mendes Martins de Menezes & Rosa Maria De Lima Ribeiro). Marimba: percussão e feitiçaria? X Encontro Internacional da ABECS - 03 a 07 de dezembro - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brasil)

(2018)(with Lotta Aunio) “Bantu Nominal Tone”. Internationale conference “Reconstructing Proto-Bantu Grammar”, UGent- Mrac Tervuren, 19-23 Novembre

(2016) (with Michela Araujo Ribeiro & Rosa Maria de Lima Ribeiro) « Words for two intimate parts in the Bantu languages » 2ème conférence internationale sur le Niger-Congo, 01-03 septembre, Paris (France)

(2016) (with Joane de Lima Santiago & Alzenir Mendes de Menezes): « Hunting for a semantic network in Bantu » 2ème conférence internationale sur le Niger-Congo, 01-03 septembre, Paris (France)

(2016) (with M. Kasombo) Réduplications partielle et totale en kanyok (RDC). 6th International Conference on Bantu Languages, June 19-24, Helsinki University (Finland)

(2016) Multifonctional locative prefixes in Kibeembe. Workshop “Locative suffixes in Bantu languages”, March 3, Tervuren (Belgium)

(2015) Tone in Kibeembe (Bantu H11). 8th World Congress of African Linguistics, August 21-24, Kyoto University (Japan)

(2014) Vehicular Kikongo: creolization and language transfer. 44th Colloquium on African
Languages and Linguistics, 25-27 August, Leiden (Pays-Bas)

(2014) Les savoirs locaux dans l’étude et la sauvegarde de la biodiversité : l’approche linguistique. 1ère Conférence Internationale sur la Biodiversité du Bassin du Congo, June 6-10, Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité de l’Université de Kisangani (DRC)

(2014) A methodology for research on africanisms in Brazil. ABRALIN em cenas, May 7-9,
Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA), Manaus (Brazil)

(2013) A procura dos kongolismos verdadeiros no português do Brasil. Semana Internacional da Etnolinguïstica da UNIR, November 18-23, Universidade Federal de Rondônia. Guajará-Mirim. (Brazil)(Invited)

(2013) A lingüística africana (bantu) ontem, hoje e amanhã. Semana Internacional da Etnolinguïstica da UNIR, November 18-23, Universidade Federal de Rondônia. Guajará-Mirim. (Brazil) (Invited)

(2013) As línguas bantu:entre descrição e comparação. November 11, UFRRJ, Rio de Janeiro
(Campus de Seropédica) & November 13, UNILAB, Fortaleza (Campus de Rendenção). (Brazil)

(2013) (with J. de Lima Santiago). La réduplication dans les noms des antilopes dans les langues bantu. 43rd Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics. August 26-28. Leiden

(2013) The Various Destinies of African Languages in a Multipolar World. 5th European Conference on African Studies. Centro de Estudos Africanos – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, June 27-29. Lisboa (Portugal)

(2013) (with G. Ndouli) L’applicatif en kikongo véhiculaire et en civili: constructions, fonctions
discursives et variation diatopique. 5° International Conference on Bantu Languages, June 12-15. INALCO, Paris (France) (poster)

(2013) (with M. Araujó Ribeiro) Anatomie et physiologie humaines dans les langues bantu. 5°
International Conference on Bantu Languages, June 12-15. INALCO, Paris (France) (poster)

(2013) A Contribuição da Lingüística (africana) à Historia da África e do Brasil. Universidade federal de Rondônia. 8 de março. Porto-Velho (Brasil)

(2012) Témoins du passé, espoir d’un futur: le cas des langues bantu. 1er Congrès des littératures orales africaines. December 6-8. Niamey (Niger) (Invited)

(2012) (with J. de Lima Santiago). Notes on Words for Antelopes in the Bantu Languages. 42nd Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics. 27-29 August. Leiden (Netherlands)

(2012) (with J.P. Angenot & G. de Lima Angenot). 9/10 noun prefix as a floating syllabic nasal. 42nd Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics. 27-29 August. Leiden (Netherlands)

(2012) (with R.M. de Lima Ribeiro). Crenças e línguas em contacto: empréstimos da religião cristã nas línguas bantu. VII Encontro da Associação Brasileira de Estudos Crioulos e Similares (ABECS) & the 13th International Annual Meeting of the Associação dos Crioulos de Base Lexical Portuguesa e Espanhola (ACBLPE). 1-3 August. University of São Paulo (Brazil)

(2012) (with M. Araújo Ribeiro). Anatomia e fisiologia humana nas línguas bantu . VII Encontro da Associação Brasileira de Estudos Crioulos e Similares (ABECS) & the 13th International Annual Meeting of the Associação dos Crioulos de Base Lexical Portuguesa e Espanhola (ACBLPE). 1-3 August. University of São Paulo (Brazil)

(2011) As línguas africanas. October 24. Universidade Federal de Rondônia. Guajara-Mirim, Brazil. (Invited)

(2011) (with R.M. de Lima Ribeiro) Who blesses Africa? Words of belief in the Bantu Languages. 41st Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics. 29-31 August. Leiden (Netherlands)

(2011) (with R.M. de Lima Ribeiro) Estudo comparativo do vocabulário religioso nas línguas bantu da região Kongo-Angola. 1° Encontro internacional de estudos africanos da UFF. 16-19 April. Niteroi (Brazil)

(2011) (with M. Devos) ko as a negative marker in Bantu languages: where, how and where from? 4th Bantu Conference. 7-9 April. Berlin (Germany)

(2010) Prefix ka- in Bantu languages: towards an irrealis marker?. International Conference on Grammaticalization and (Inter)Subjectification. 11-13 November. Brussels (Belgium)

(2010) (with J. van der Wal) How person got into focus: grammaticalisation of clefts in the Lingala/Kikongo area Leiden. 40th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics. 23-25 August. Leiden (Netherlands)

(2010) Kikongo as language of instruction: dealing with its many faces. 41th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. 6-8 May. Toronto (Canada)

(2010) (with G. De Lima Vítor Angenot & E. Lins de Santana). O minungu de Kakumbi (Angola), uma co-variante do Nyinungu de Dilolo (RDCongo), espremido entre os grupos Kimbundu e Chokwe-Lunda. VI Encontro da ABECS. 24-26 March. Salvador da Bahia (Brazil)

(2009) Polylectal account of a non-standardized, national language: vehicular Kikongo. International Workshop. 27-29 November, Hamburg (Germany) (Invited)

(2009) Notes on Nyinungu (Unclassified Bantu, Cokwe-Lunda group). 6th World Congress of African Linguistics, August 17-21, Cologne (Germany)

(2009) Contribution de la linguistique à l'Histoire ancienne de l'Afrique. May 5, Université Marien Ngouabi, Brazzaville, Congo (Invited)

(2009) (with Maud Devos) Multilingualism in Africa: sometimes more than 250 languages to manage. Translation forum, February 12 & 19, European Commission, Brussels (Belgium) & Luxemburg (Luxemburg) (Invited)

(2008) (with Michael Kasombo) Les formes verbales absolutives en kanincin (Bantu L53), 38th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, University of Leiden (The Netherlands)

(2008) A importância do estudo das línguas africanas, II Seminário Internacional "Acolhendo as Línguas Africanas", 18/08-20/08, Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Salvador da Bahia (Brasil) (Invited)

(2008) Singularités lexicales dans les langues bantus du sud-ouest (Angola, Namibie, Zambie), Special Word Congress of African Linguistics 6, 11/08-15/08, Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil)

(2008) Banana: what further information can Bantu comparatives linguistics offer? World Archaeological Congress VI, 29/06-04/07, Dublin (Ireland)

(2008) Imbrication et haplologie en langue kibeembe, présentation au Département des langues africaines de l'UNILU, 11 février, Lubumbashi (RDCOngo) (Invited)

(2008) Le suffixe *-ide en kibeembe (Bantu, H11), présentation au Séminaire de Langues et Cultures Africaines, 1 février, Tervuren

(2007) 'Kibeembe Words at the Border of the Invisible'. Conference on the Perception of the Invisible: Religion, Historical Semantics and the Role of Perceptive Verbs, University of Köln, Germany, 14-17 November 2007 (Invited)

(2007) '-ko & co.: final negative elements. Evidences of grammaticalization?' International Conference on Bantu Languages: Analysis, Description and Theory, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, October 4-6, 2007

(2006) Les langues bantu dites à 'cas tonals', présentation au Séminaire de Langues et Cultures Africaines, 1er décembre, Tervuren

(2006) On the so -called Bantu 'Tone case ' languages. Second TIE Conference on the Typology of Tone and Intonation, ZAS, Berlin, Germany (poster)

(2006) Comparative Bantu: que dire des mots désignant les primates? 36th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, University of Leiden (The Netherlands)

(2006) (with Koen Bostoen & Mark Stoneking) An integrated linguistic and genetic approach to population dynamics in western Zambia, 36th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, University of Leiden (The Netherlands)

(2006) (with Koen Bostoen & Mark Stoneking) Languages, Genes and the Bantu Problem: Western Zambia as a Case Study for an Interdisciplinary Approach to the Population History of Southern Central Africa, Languages and Genes: An Interdisciplinary Conference , University of California, Santa Barbara (poster)

(2006) (with Alexandre Livingstone Smith, Els Cornelissen, Koen Bostoen, Baudouin Janssens) Crossing Borders: an integrated archaeological and linguistic approach to population dynamics in southern central Africa, SAfA 2006 Conference June 22-26, Calgary (Canada).

(2005) Some notes on Lwimbi ( Bantu K12a , Angola )’, 35th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, University of Leiden (The Netherlands)

(2003) Le mbwela, langue bantu K.17 du sud de l'Angola’, 33rd Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, University of Leiden (The Netherlands)

(2003) Le vocabulaire des tubercules dans les langues bantu’, présentation au Séminaire de Langues et Cultures Africaines, 5 décembre, Tervuren

(2002) Language situation in south-eastern Angola’, 32nd Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, University of Leiden (The Netherlands)

(2001) Le futur en ngangela (K12b)’, Exposé LACITO, 24 septembre, Villejuif (France)

(2001) Tonologie nominale du ngangela, Exposé Dynamique du Langage, 8 janvier, Lyon (France) (Invited)

(2001) ‘Some Aspects of Ngangela Tonology (Bantu K.12b)’, 31st Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics , University of Leiden (The Netherlands)

(1998) ‘Bilan d'une étude comparative des noms de primates dans les langues bantu’, Exposé Dynamique du Langage, 27 janvier, Lyon (France) (Invited)


(2002) Tonologie du ngangela, variété de Menongue (Angola). Thèse de doctorat. Paris: INALCO. 408p.

(1997) Contribution à l'étude des langues bantoues de la zone K: analyse comparative et sous-groupements. Mémoire de DEA Paris: INALCO. 101p.

(1996) Contribution à l'étude des noms de primates dans les langues bantoues. Mémoire de DREA Paris: INALCO. 123p.


* Bantu languages, focusing on zones H and K. Bantu descriptive and comparative studies. Tonology. Ethnobotany / Phytonymy. Ethnozoology / zoonymy. Grammaticalization
* Co-oordination of Research Projects:
- [with universities of Rondônia (Brazil) and Luanda (Angola)] As Origens Etimológicas dos Brasileirismos de Origem Bantu: 2009 -
- [with universities of Rondônia (Brazil) and Luanda (Angola)] Descrição das Línguas Bantu de Angola: 2009 –
- [with universities of Brazzaville (Congo) and Kinshasa (RDCongo)] Contribution à la valorisation du savoir local et à l'intégration des langues nationales dans le système éducatif: le cas de l'aire kitubaphone (kikongo véhiculaire) (Promotor): 2009 – 2013
- [with Universities of Louvain, Leuven, Gent, Antwerpen (Belgium) and Hannover (Germany)] Grammaticalization and (inter)subjectification (RMCA Promotor): 2007 – 2011
- Crossing borders: An Integrated Archaeological and Linguistic approach to Population Dynamics in southern Central Africa: 2005 – 2009
- [with IRST Butare (Rwanda)] Compilation assistée du dictionnaire kinyarwanda (Promotor): 2007 –
- Bantu Lexical Reconstructions: 2003 –
- Words and Plants: étude linguistique comparative et historique sur le vocabulaire des plantes alimentaires dans les langues bantu (Promotor): 2003 – 2006
- [with Max Planck Institute, Leipzig (Germany)] Languages, Genes and the Bantu Problem: Western Zambia as a Case Study (Promotor): 2007 – 2010
* Other ongoing research topics:
- Kibeembe (Bantu H11, Congo): mainly on nominal and verbal tonology
- Ngangela (Bantu (K12, Angola): lexicography
- Bantu comparative issues mainly on ‘tone case’ languages and final negative elements