African Geographic Pictures Collection

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Image number: 2738
Feature : gully prevention
Grouping : gully
Discipline : Environment
Year : 2009
Locality : Maman Mobutu district
Country : D.R.Congo
Region - tribe : Kinshasa
Physiographic region : Inter Nsele-Inkisi
Notice : The gully at Maman Mobutu district developed in 2008-9 regressively along a road, descending the hill. Side lanes collect a lot of water towards the road. Upstream of the gully head in the road, water is now retained in the lanes by small brick walls (on which the person to the left is standing, in an attempt to cut the alimentation of the gully. This inundation illustrates the enormous volume of water which was formerly derived to the main road, affected by gullying. Natural Hazard. Natural risk.
Reference : Moeyersons, Jan,   2009    Image 2738.   In : Moeyersons, Jan : "African Geographic Pictures","