Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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13 items matching your criteria

  • kiko
    Language: shambala Translation: den Tonkopf einer Hanfpfeife (henneppijp)
  • &ol&uky&o
    Language: saamia Translation: beer pot
  • g•x'à3akx'o"
    Language: zu/hoasi Translation: kleipot (met 'n groot bek)
  • oshiko/iiko"
    Language: ndonga Translation: clay hole
  • tshingo"
    Language: venda Translation: deep bowls with tickened rims and rounded bases. Height 13-20 cm. Simple graphic design. Small size, for cooking meat vegetables or small amounts of porridge; for keeping milk to turn sour
  • nkho
    Language: venda Translation: beer pot / the big beer-pot is between 2 and 3 feet in diameter; a large size can hold five gallons of beer. This type is only used for storing beer, and is kept in the special beer hut (Some chiefs also keep stores of beer in large holes sunk in the ground and lined with clay, which can contain many gallons).
  • nkgò"
    Language: tswana Translation: water pot
  • nkxô"
    Language: Northern Sotho (Sepedi) Translation: a large pot used for brewing beer, 16 inches in height and 15 1/2 inches over the rim, with a slightly contracted mouth. The ware is usually smooth and undecorated.
  • nkho"
    Language: Northern Sotho (Sepedi) Translation: beer pot
  • nkho"
    Language: Northern Sotho (Lobedu) Translation: beer pot