Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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26 items matching your criteria

  • kUmba
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: to mould (pottery)
  • mUkeve
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: pot, mug
  • ndaka"
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: mud, mire
  • nthima"
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: large pot
  • inzella;
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: plate
  • munaa;
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: small cooking pot for heating and storing children's and old people's food
  • kiteve"
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: large mouthed cooking pot, used in cooking for people at the building of a house because of its size
  • kitzingula
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: potsherd
  • kalio;
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: small piece of broken cooking pot
  • kitandaa"
    Language code: E55 Language: kamba
    Translation: broken pot (also repaired beehive that has been broken)