Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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105 items matching your criteria

  • rùf&unjò"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: papyrus
  • -òm&a"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: to become dry; be disobedient
  • ènk&urwà"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: red clay (used for colouring pots)
  • -s&a;
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: to grind
  • -t&on&a"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: to depict by marks; paint
  • -&oky&a"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: to roast, burn; sting (bees); be hot
  • -&a&at&a"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: to crack, smash; spill
  • èng&at&a"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: coil of grass or leaves used as pad for the head on which load is carried, hollow circular stand for a milk pot, etc., a circle, a coil
  • engemeko"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: clay bottle
  • -lûnd&a"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: Davis: cover with bead-work