Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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57 items matching your criteria

  • omubûmbi"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: potter
  • okubûmba"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: form, mould/conspire/choose as a representative; purse (the lips)
  • kun&ogoora"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: to make pots
  • eshuh&aàni"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: plate
  • eibûmba"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: potter's clay
  • eib&umbiro"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: potter's mould (T)
  • eitaka"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: soil, earth
  • ntango"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: pot while in course of being made
  • musingo"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: pot drying before being fired (a process which took some six to nine days)
  • urubumbiro"
    Language code: J13 Language: nkore
    Translation: circle of earth round fire place