Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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41 items matching your criteria

  • indyabusima"
    Language code: J31a Language: gisu
    Translation: smoothing tool (used for smoothening the interior)
  • murono/mirono"
    Language code: J31a Language: gisu
    Translation: rolls of clay (of average length of forty centimetres)
  • lumoshelo"
    Language code: J31a Language: gisu
    Translation: the entire decoration of the pot (either using one or all of the methods)
  • kakhotsilya/bukhotsilya"
    Language code: J31a Language: gisu
    Translation: roulettes that are made from banana fibres and banana leaf stalks
  • buruku"
    Language code: J31a Language: gisu
    Translation: moulded pellets which serve as concluding decoration on raw pots
  • bubwika"
    Language code: J31a Language: gisu
    Translation: horns; moulded pellets which serve as concluding decoration on raw pots
  • khusisila"
    Language code: J31a Language: gisu
    Translation: to rub the pot after drying and before firing for colouring
  • khumaala"
    Language code: J31a Language: Gisu
    Translation: put mud on the walls of house
  • &Kngòrò"
    Language code: J31a Language: Gisu
    Translation: back of the head, mallet, esp. used for making pots; (looks like an occiput)
  • khirandalilo"
    Language code: J31a Language: Gisu
    Translation: shelf outside for drying plates and pots