Arachnomorphae Collection & Systematics

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Browse by 'Collector' starting with letter 'D' : 6805 specimens found in the database

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Reg nb Full Name Collected by on Determinated by in
61620 Pisauridae sp. Dartevelle E. IV.1948
61622 Araneidae sp. Dartevelle E. IV.1948
61623 Pisauridae sp. Dartevelle E. IV.1948
61624 Nephilengys cruentata (Fabricius, 1775) Dartevelle E. IV.1948 Benoit P.L.G. 1962
61625 Gasteracantha curvispina Guérin, 1838 Dartevelle E. X.1947 Benoit P.L.G. 1961
61627 Thyene sp. Dartevelle E. X.1946
66216 Thyene magdalenae Lessert, 1927 Dartevelle E. IX.1947 Roewer C. F. 1951
66217 Steatoda sp. Dartevelle E. IX.1947
66218 Theridiidae sp. Dartevelle E. IX.1947
66228 Steatoda sp. onbepaalbaar Dartevelle E. IX.1947
66231 Pholcidae sp. Dartevelle E. IX.1947
66236 Neoscona blondeli (Simon, 1885) Dartevelle E. IX.1947 Grasshoff 1982
66244 Gasteracantha curvispina Guérin, 1838 Dartevelle E. IX.1947 Benoit P.L.G. 1961
26678 Peucetia sp. Dartevelle E. VIII.1937
20679 Oxytate sp. Dartevelle E. I.1938
20120 Araneae sp. Dartevelle E. I.1936
20744 Thomisidae sp. Dartevelle E. II.1937
66161 Araneus marshalli Pocock, 1898 Dartevelle E. IX.1947 Grasshoff 1968
66163 Gasteracantha curvispina Guérin, 1838 Dartevelle E. IX.1947 Benoit P.L.G. 1961
66166 Araneus marshalli Pocock, 1898 Dartevelle E. IX.1947 Grasshoff 1968