Arachnomorphae Collection & Systematics

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Browse by 'Collector' starting with letter 'G' : 1974 specimens found in the database

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Reg nb Full Name Collected by on Determinated by in
27262 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. VIII.1938
27266 Theridiidae sp. Onbepaalbaar Ghesquière J. 15.IV.1930 Van Uytven 1995
27267 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. XI.1935
27268 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. IV.1937
27269 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. I.1937
27294 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. VIII.1937
27295 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. V.1937
27297 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. V.1937
27299 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. V.1937
27304 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. V.1937
27314 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. V.1937
27316 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. III.1937
27341 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. III.1937
27346 Steatoda sp. Ghesquière J. III.1937
27347 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. III.1937
27349 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. III.1937
27351 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. III.1937
27443 Theridiidae sp. Ghesquière J. III.1930
27084 Neriene kibonotensis (Tullgren, 1910) Ghesquière J. VII.1937 Van Helsdingen P.J 1969
27085 Neriene kibonotensis (Tullgren, 1910) Ghesquière J. I.1930 Van Helsdingen P.J 1969