Mineralogy Database
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12 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°8763 : crystal debrisMinerals: GALENAYear: 1960Country: Rwanda
Sample n°8766 : sample with yellow meta-autunite, green metatorbernite, purple fluorite, in brecciaMinerals: META-AUTUNITE METATORBERNITE FLUORITE QUARTZYear: 1960Country: Rwanda
Sample n°8767 : sample with black uraninite veinlets, yellow nodules of canary-yellow boltwoodite scales, yellow-green autuniteMinerals: BOLTWOODITE URANINITE AUTUNITE QUARTZYear: 1960Country: Rwanda
Sample n°8768 : sample with biotite in uraniferous brecciaMinerals: BIOTITEYear: 1960Country: Rwanda
Sample n°8769 : sample with phosphuranylite as yellow powder, green autuniteMinerals: PHOSPHURANYLITE AUTUNITEYear: 1960Country: Rwanda
Sample n°8770 : sample composed of uraniferous microlite concentrateMinerals: MICROLITEYear: 1960Country: Rwanda
Sample n°8771 : sample with green autuniteMinerals: AUTUNITE ALBITE APATITEYear: 1960Country: Rwanda
Sample n°8776 : uraninite mass with pervasive alteration to secondary mineralsMinerals: META-AUTUNITE ALBITE MUSCOVITEYear: 1960Country: Rwanda
Sample n°8838 : black block (4 cm)Minerals: COLUMBITE-(Fe)Year: 1961Country: Burundi
Sample n°8892 : sample with autunite in pegmatite with albite and muscoviteMinerals: AUTUNITE APATITEYear: 1961Country: Rwanda