Inventory of the Stanley Archives

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104 archives found

  • 6898.

    Letter [with envelop] from HMS to Margaret Moscheles , begging to forgive him for having forgotten her invitation , 25-06-1894 , London
  • 6899.

    Letter from HMS to F. Hertwig , instructions , 11-04-1884 , Expédition internationale du Haut-Congo
  • 6900.

    Letter [with envelop] from HMS to Edward Milward S. Parker , about his spectacles, the death of Bishop Parker in Uganda and the ignorance of missionaries to their physical well-being , 12-03-1896 , London
  • 6901.

    Letter from Dorothy Tennant to Colonel Alphonse Vangele , telling him about Stanley's presentiment of Belgium's difficulties in Africa and the German envy to take over the Congo with Morel and Casement as their alleged emissaries, sending him armorial bearings representing the Congo based on her own idea , 18-01-1925 , London
  • 6902.

    Letter from Dorothy Tennant to Colonel Alphonse Vangele , expressing her desire to invite him with Gérard Harry and Charles Liebrechts at Furze Hill , 05-04-1925 , London
  • 6903.

    Letter from Dorothy Tennant to Colonel Alphonse Vangele , giving her opinion on Pierre Daye's Histoire Colonial Belge , 15-06-1925 , London
  • 6904.

    Letter from HMS to A. Strathero , about the Livingstone Memorial Church at Blantyre , 23-10-1884 , Manchester
  • 6905.

    Letter from HMS to E. Bruce-Low , about the Nyassa Railway, suggesting to draw up a statement for Lord Salisbury in a petitionary form of the grievances of the residents of Nyassa Land , 04-05-1899 , London
  • 6906.

    Letter from HMS to E. Bruce-Low , advising him how to approach M.P.'s for their support to the Nyassa Railway , 25-05-1899 , London
  • 6907.

    Letter from HMS to Isabelle Frith (wife of painter William Powell Frith) , "I have such a keen recollection of the good things I had at your last dinner" , 06-01-1879 , London
  • 6908.

    Treaty certifying Chief Kimpallamballa's surrender of his country for occupation , signed by Chief Kimpallamballa, HMS and witnesses , 31-12-1881/01-01-1882 , Station at Kintamba, otherwise called Ntamo, near lower entrance to Stanley Pool
  • 6909.

    Letter from HMS to Charles A. Allen , "there are several little points on which I expected to counsel you" , 21-07-1885 , London
  • 6910.

    d. Letter from HMS to Sir Henry Rawlinson (President Royal Geographical Society) , showing his pride in receiving the snuffbox from Queen Victoria, stating that he could easily forgive the English geographers for their unkind remarks "if I was not aware that the same principle of hostility still lives" , 02-09-1872 , London
  • 6910.

    c. Letter from HMS to Sir Henry Rawlinson (President Royal Geographical Society) , informing him of his London address , 29-07-1872 , Paris
  • 6910.

    b. Letter from Laurence Oliphant to Sir Henry Rawlinson (President Royal Geographical Society) , mentioning his fear that "rumours are likely to be circulated calculated to damage Livingstone's credit and character" , 29-07-[1872] , Paris