Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary

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  • ncobe"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: vat
  • ènt&ug&Kr&o"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: large earthenware vat (esp. used for beer when fermenting)
  • èns&ohà"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: water-jar; pitcher; foetal membranes
  • ènj&ogà"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: water-jar; pitcher
  • kiharuzo"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: pot scraper, esp. flower of palm tree used for that purpose
  • kàl&engùr&a"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: wooden bassin-like container used by the omukama to drink beer from
  • èy&ug&K;
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: small gourd cup with handle
  • òrùsw&a"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: king's brazier (plate-like pot supported by a feet and provided with different handles)
  • òrwòtezò"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: king's brazier (plate-like pot supported by a feet and provided with different handles)
  • òrùg&agàr&a"
    Language code: J11 Language: nyoro
    Translation: large basket; framework over which clothes; etc. are put while being perfumed; shelf