Comparative Bantu Pottery Vocabulary
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Language code: N21 Language: tumbukaTranslation: potter
Language code: N21 Language: tumbukaTranslation: to make pots
Language code: N31a Language: nyanjaTranslation: rebocar, cobrir de reboco uma parede; colar; soldar
Language code: N31b Language: chewaTranslation: stick/plaster a house with wet clay
Language code: N41 Language: sengaTranslation: daub (a wall with mud), plaster
Language code: P21 Language: yaoTranslation: cobrir, emboçar
Language code: P23 Language: makondeTranslation: rebocar (pôr barro nas paredes)
Language code: P31 Language: makuaTranslation: plaster/throw mud on, plaster with mud (in plastering a ...?)
Language code: R13 Language: nyanekaTranslation: parede, muros