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Jonathan Brecko

Collections Management
Natural heritage Collections
  • Das, S.,  Brecko, J.,  Pauwels, OSG. & Merilä, J. 2022. ‘Cranial osteology of Hypoptophis (Aparallactinae: Atractaspididae: Caenophidia), with a discussion on the evolution of its fossorial adaptations’. Journal of Morphology 283(4): 510-538. DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21457. URL:  I.F. 1.966.
  • Lowie, A.,  De Kegel, B.,  Wilkinson, M.,  Measey, J.,  O'Reilly, JC.,  Kley, NJ.,  Gaucher, P.,  Brecko, J.,  Kleintech, T.,  Herrel, A. & Adriaens, D. 2022. ‘Regional differences in vertebral shape along the axial skeleton in caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona)’. Journal of Anatomy 241(3). DOI: 10.1111/joa.13682.  I.F. 2.921.
  • Lowie, A.,  De Kegel, B.,  Wilkinson, M.,  Measey, J.,  O'Reilly, JC.,  Kley, N.,  Gaucher, P.,  Brecko, J.,  Kleintech, T.,  Adriaens, D. & Herrel, A. 2022. ‘Is vertebral shape variability in caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) constrained by forces experienced during burrowing?’. Journal of Experimental Biology 225(12). DOI: 10.1242/jeb.244288.  I.F. 3.308.
  • Pauwels, OSG.,  Brecko, J. & Hutterer, R. 2022. ‘Toxicodryas vexator Greenbaum, Allen, Vaughan, Pauwels, Wallach, Kusamba, Muninga, Mwenebatu, Mali, Badjedjea, Penner, Rödel, Rivera, Sterkhova, Johnson, Tapondjou and Brown, 2021. Eastern Black-and-Yellow Tree Snake. Diet’. African Herp News 80: 72-74. URL:  (PR).
  • Lowie, A.,  De Kegel, B.,  Wilkinson, M.,  Measey, J.,  O'Reilly, JC.,  Kley, NJ.,  Gaucher, P.,  Brecko, J.,  Kleinteich, T.,  Van Hoorebeke, L.,  Herrel, A. & Adriaens, D. 2021. ‘Under pressure: the relationship between cranial shape and burrowing force in caecilians (Gymnophiona)’. Journal of Experimental Biology 224(18). DOI: 10.1242/jeb.242964. URL:  I.F. 3.312.
  • Pauwels, OSG. & Brecko, J. 2021. ‘Philothamnus ruandae Loveridge, 1951. Rwandan Green Snake. Reproduction’. African Herp News 77: 35-37. URL:  (PR).
  • Pauwels, OSG. & Brecko, J. 2020. ‘Book review. Snakes of Central and Western Africa’. Herpetological Review 51(1): 161-164. URL:  I.F. 0.28.
  • Brecko, J. & Mathys, A. 2020. ‘Handbook of best practice and standards for 2D+ and 3D imaging of natural history collections’. European Journal of Taxonomy. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.623. URL:  I.F. 1.398.
  • Goffette, Q.,  Germonpré, M.,  Rots, V.,  Brecko, J.,  Goemaere, E. & Lefèvre, C. 2020. ‘Bird bones from Trou de Chaleux and the human exploitation of birds during the late Magdalenian in Belgium’. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 29: 102096. DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.102096.  I.F. 1.3.
  • Brecko, J.Meirte, D. & Pauwels, OSG. 2019. ‘Aparallactus modestus ubangensis (Boulenger, 1897) Ubangi Centipede-eater. REPRODUCTION’. African Herp News 71: 37-39. URL:  (PR).