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Nathalie Smitz
Gombeer, S., Van Bourgonie, YR., Meganck, K., Smitz, N., De Meyer, M. & Backeljau, T. 2016. ‘Using molecular techniques to identify organisms of policy concern: Some examples from the BopCo project’. Zoology 2016. Book of abstracts.
Smitz, N., Jouvenet, O., Ligate, F., Ikanda, D., Chardonnet, P., Crosmary, W-G., Cornélis, D., Meganck, K., Gillet, F., Melletti, M., Fusari, A. & Michaux, J. 2016. ‘Resolving the shallow population structure of the African Lion (Panthera leo) in Tanzania through genomics’. Zoology 2016. Book of abstracts.
Pigneur, L-M., Smitz, N., Caublot, G., Fournier-Chambrillon, C., Fournier, P., Girralda-Carrera, G., Le Roux, B., Marc, D., Simonnet, F., Sourp, E., Steinmetz, J., Urra-Maya, F. & Michaux, JR. 2016. ‘Unravelling population structure and recent colonization history of an elusive carnivore, the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), in western France using microsatellites and Single-Nucleotide-Polymorphism markers’. Zoology 2016. Book of abstracts.
Fournier-Chambrillon, C., Pigneur, LM., Fournier, P., Marc, D., Steinmetz, J., Bereyziat, T., Bonnecaze, B., Caublot, G., Dal Molin, A., Giralda-Carrera, G., Gremillet, X., Gruson, JP., Joubert, L., Laoue, E., Lesclaux, P., Le Roux, B., Morelec, JY., Papacotsia, A., Ruys, T., Simonnet, F., Smitz, N., Thion, N., Urra-Maya, F. & Michaux, J. 2016. ‘Modèles génétiques de colonisation de deux mammifères semi-aquatiques natif et invasif : la loutre d'Europe et le Vison d'Amérique’. 34th GEEFSM- Groupe d'Etudes sur l'Ecopathologie de la Faune Sauvage de Montagne. Book of abstracts.
Smitz, N., Riis Hansen, C.C., Durieu, B., Heller, R., Vangestel, C., Winant, V., Van Hooft, P., Cornélis, D., Chardonnet, P., Kraus, R., Caron, A., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M. & Michaux, J. 2016. ‘Population genomics of the Cape buffalo subspecies (Syncerus caffer caffer) of the Southern African region based on SNP markers’. 2nd African Buffalo Symposium. Book of abstracts.
Smitz, N., Heller, R., Van Hooft, P., Cornélis, D., Chardonnet, P., Caron, A., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Melletti, M. & Michaux, J. 2016. ‘Evolutionary history of the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) at continental scale based on mitochondrial and nuclear molecular markers’. 2nd African Buffalo Symposium. Book of abstracts.
Smitz, N., Bertrand, L., Ligate, F., Ikanda, D., Chardonnet, P., Crosmary, W.G., Cornélis, D., Gillet, F., Melletti, M., Fusari, A., Michaux, J. & Jouvenet, O. 2016. ‘Phylogeography and conservation genomics of the African lion (Panthera leo) at a continental and local scale based on mitochondrial and nuclear molecular markers’. 9th Wildlife Ranching Symposium. Book of abstracts.
Smitz, NS., Hansen, CCR., Durieu, B., Vangestel, C., Cornélis, D., Chardonnet, P., Kraus, R., Caron, A., de Garine-Wichatitsky, M., Michaux, J. & Heller, R. 2016. ‘Evidence of a complex genetic structure within the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) based on SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism)’. ConGenomics. Book of abstracts.
Smitz, N. 2016. Study of the genetic structure of the African buffalo populations (Syncerus caffer): Impact of its high mobility and of the population fragmentation on its distribution and its interactions with humans. University of Liège. 184 p.
Sonet, G., Pauly, A., Smitz, N., Virgilio, M., Nagy, Z., Jordaens, K., Molle, S., Backeljau, T. & De Meyer, M. 2015. ‘High-throughput sequencing of PCR amplicons: a test to barcode a bee species complex (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae) and survey Wolbachia infections’. 6th International Barcode of Life Conference. Book of abstracts. 283.