Staff directory

Emmanuel Gilissen

Biological collection and data management
  • Balzeau, A.,  Gilissen, E.Wendelen, W. & Coudyzer, W. 2009. ‘Internal cranial anatomy of the type specimen of Pan paniscus and available data for study’. Journal of Human Evolution 56: 205-208.  (PR).
  • Missoup, A.D.,  Nicolas, V.,  Wendelen, W.,  Bilong-Bilong, C.F.,  Cruaud, C. & Denys, C. 2009. ‘First record of Hylomyscus walterverheyeni (Rodentia: Muridae) on the north-western side of the Sanaga River (western Cameroon)’. Zootaxa 2044: 46-60.  (PR).