Staff directory

Emmanuel Gilissen

  • van der Valk, T.,  Sandoval-Castellanos, E.,  Caillaud, D.,  Ngobobo, U.,  Binyinyi, E.,  Nishuli, R.,  Stoinski, T.,  Gilissen, E.,  Sonet, G.,  Semal, P.,  Kalthoff, D.C.,  Dalén, L. & Guschanski, K. 2018. ‘Significant loss of mitochondrial diversity within the last century due to extinction of peripheral populations in eastern gorillas’. Nature Scientific Reports 8: 6551. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-24497-7.  (PR).
  • Fasemore, T.M.,  Patzke, N.,  Kaswera-Kyamakya, C.,  Gilissen, E.,  Manger, P.R. & Ihunwo, A.O. 2018. ‘The distribution of Ki-67 and doublecortin-immunopositive cells in the brains of three strepsirrhine primates: Galago demidoff, Perodicticus potto, and Lemur catta’. Neuroscience 372: 46-57. DOI:  (PR).
  • Beaudet, A. & Gilissen, E. 2018. ‘Fossil Primate Endocasts: Perspectives from Advanced Imaging Techniques’. In: Bruner, E., Ogihara,N., Tanabe, H.C. (ed), Digital Endocasts: From Skulls to Brains. Series ‘Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans Series’. New York : Springer, pp. 47-58. (PR) DOI: DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-56582-6_4.
  • Beaudet, A.,  Dumoncel, J.,  De Beer, F.,  Durrleman, S.,  Gilissen, E.,  Oettle, A.,  Subsol, G.,  Thackeray, J.F. & Braga, J. 2018. ‘The endocranial shape of Australopithecus africanus: surface analysis of the endocasts of Sts 5 and Sts 60’. Journal of Anatomy 232: 296-303. DOI: DOI:10.1111/joa.12745.  (PR).
  • Sweigers, J.,  Bhagwandin, A.,  Spocter, M.A.,  Kaswera-Kyamakya, C.,  Gilissen, E.,  Manger, P.R. & Maseko, B.C. 2017. ‘Nuclear organisation of cholinergic, catecholaminergic, serotonergic and orexinergic neurons in two relatively large brained rodent species – the springhare (Pedetes capensis) and Beecroft’s scaly-tailed Squirrel (Anomalurus beecrofti)’. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 86: 78-91.  (PR).
  • Coimbra, JP.,  Pettigrew, J.,  Kaswera Kyamakya, C.,  Gilissen, E.,  Collin, SP. & Manger, PR. 2017. ‘Retinal ganglion cell topography and spatial resolving power in African megachiropterans: influence of roosting microhabitat and foraging’. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 525: 186-203.  (PR).
  • Calvey, T.,  Patzke, N.,  Bennett, N.C.,  Kaswera-Kyamakya, C.,  Gilissen, E.,  Alagaili, A.N.,  Mohammed, O.B.,  Pettigrew, J. & Manger, P.R. 2016. ‘Nuclear organisation of some immunohistochemically identifiable neural systems in five species of Insectivore – Crocidura cyanea, Crocidura olivieri, Sylvisorex ollula, Paraechinus aethiopicus and Atelerix frontalis’. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 72: 34-52.  (PR).
  • Chawana, R.,  Patzke, N.,  Alagaili, A.N.,  Bennett, N.C.,  Mohammed, O.B.,  Kaswera-Kyamakya, C.,  Gilissen, E.,  Ihunwo, A.O.,  Pettigrew, J. & Manger, P.R. 2016. ‘The distribution of Ki-67 and doublecortin immunopositive cells in the brains of three microchiropteran species, Hipposideros fuliganosus, Triaenops persicus and Asellia tridens’. The Anatomical Record 299: 1548-1560.  (PR).
  • Beaudet, A.,  Dumoncel, J.,  De Beer, F.,  Duployer, B.,  Durrleman, S.,  Gilissen, E.,  Hoffman, J.,  Tenailleau, C.,  Thackeray, J.F. & Braga, J. 2016. ‘Morphoarchitectural variation in South African fossil cercopithecoid endocasts’. Journal of Human Evolution 101: 65-78.  (PR).
  • van der Valk, T.,  Caillaud, D.,  Dalèn, L.,  Gilissen, E.,  Semal, P.,  Sonet, G.,  Nagy, Z.T. & Guschanski, K. 2016. ‘Entire mitochondrial genomes from historical museum and contemporary fecal samples provide a temporal perspective of genetic diversity in Grauer”s gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri)’. International Primatological Society. Book of abstracts. (PR)