Gestion des collections et des données biologiques

578 publications scientifiques

  • Davy, J.,  Jacob, B.,  Ristol, P.R.,  Archambeau, A.,  Jõgeva, J.,  Smirnova, L. & Mergen, P. 2012. ‘Dispatching system to answer questions timely operational : D10 – Deliverable 7.1.3’. 10 p. URL:
  • Ristol, P.R.,  Jacob, B.,  Jõgeva, J. & Theeten, F. 2012. ‘Guidelines for users and content providers v. 1 : D09 – Deliverable 7.1.4’. 40 p. URL:
  • Jacob, B.,  Jõgeva, J.,  Davy, J.,  Theeten, F.,  Archambeau, A.,  Ristol, P.R.,  Koivula, H. & Mergen, P. 2012. ‘Enriched + checked existing documentation in original language (website) : D11 – Deliverable 7.2.3’. 20 p. URL:
  • Cael, G.,  Davy, J.,  Jacob, B. & Mergen, P. 2012. ‘The Royal Museum for Central Africa Cybertaxonomy portal and its subdomains: an interconnected helpdesk system and information management tool’. TDWG 2011 Annual Conference. Book of abstracts. (PR)
  • Birthälmer, M.,  Hierschläger, M.,  Mergen, P.Jacob, B.Smirnova, L. & Et, al. 2012. Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe: Best practice guidelines and standards. Prague, Czech Republic : the National Museum. 147 p.
  • Vandenspiegel, D. & Golovatch, S. 2012. ‘The millipede family Ammodesmidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) in western Africa’. Zookeys 221: 1-17. URL:  I.F. 1.133.
  • Golovatch, S.,  Geoffroy, J.J.,  Mauriès, J.P. & Vandenspiegel, D. 2012. ‘An unusual new species of millipede genus Glyphiulus Gervais, 1847 from Borneo (Diplopoda: Spirostreptida: Cambalopsodae)’. Russian Entomological Journal 21: 133-137.  (PR).
  • Golovatch, S.,  Geoffroy, J.J.,  Mauriès, J.P. & Vandenspiegel, D. 2012. ‘New or poorly-known species of the millipede genus Trachyulus Peters, 1864 (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Cambalopsidae)’. Arthropoda Selecta 21: 103-129.  (PR).
  • Orliac, M. & Gilissen, E. 2012. ‘Virtual endocranial cast of earliest Eocene Diacodexis (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) and morphological diversity of early artiodactyl brains’. Proc Biol Sci 279: 3670-3677. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1156.  (PR).
  • Balzeau, A. & Gilissen, E. 2012. ‘Des asymétries du cerveau communes aux hommes et aux grands singes’. Museumnews 18: 19.