Répertoire du personnel

Antoine Dille

Sciences de la Terre
Risques naturels
  • Dille, A.Dewitte, O.,  Handwerger, A.,  Derauw, D.,  d'Oreye, N.,  Moeyersons, J.Monsieurs, E.,  Mugaruka Bibentyo, T.,  Samsonov, S.,  Smets, B.,  Kervyn, M. & Kervyn, F. 2020. ‘Urban growth changes the pulse of a large deep-seated landslide’. European Geosciences Union. Book of abstracts. Vienna. DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-17805.
  • Dille, A.,  Kervyn, M.,  Kervyn, F. & Dewitte, O. 2020. ‘Dynamics of slow-moving landslides in the tropics: natural and anthropogenic factors”’. American Geophysical Union. Book of abstracts. San Fransisco.
  • Karantanellis, E.,  Arav, R.,  Dille, A.,  Lippl, S.,  Marsy, T. & Oude Elberink, S. 2020. ‘Evaluating The Quality Of Photogrammetric Point-Clouds In Challenging Geo-Environments - A Case Study In An Alpine Valley’. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 43: 1099-1105.
  • Dille, A.,  Poppe, S.,  Mossoux, S.,  Soulé, H. & Kervyn, M. 2020. ‘Modelling lahars on a poorly eroded basaltic shield: Karthala volcano, Grande Comore Island’. Stuart Mead (ed), Frontiers in Earth Science 8, special issue : Field Data, Models and Uncertainty in Hazard Assessment of Pyroclastic Density Currents and Lahars: Global Perspectives : 369. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.00369. URL: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feart.2020.00369/full  I.F. 2.7.
  • Dille, A.Kervyn, F.,  Mugaruka, T.B.,  Delvaux, D.,  Ganza, G.B.,  Ilombe, G.M. & Moeyersons, J. 2019. ‘Questioning causes and drivers of slope instability in a tropical context – insights from the Ikoma Landslide (DR Congo)’. European Geoscience Union, Vienna, 23-28 April 2019. Book of abstracts, geophysical research abstracts vol. 21. EGU2019-7680.
  • Dille, A.Kervyn, F.,  Mugaruka Bibentyo, T.,  Delvaux, D.,  Bamulezi Ganza, G.,  Mawe Ilombe, G.,  Moeyersons, J.Monsieurs, E.Smets, B.,  Kervyn, M. & Dewitte, O. 2019. ‘Questioning causes and drivers of slope instability in a tropical context – insights from the Ikoma Landslide (DR Congo)’. 2019 European Geosciences Union. Book of abstracts, 21.
  • Smets, B.,  Wauthier, C.,  Dille, A.,  Paris, R.,  Samyn, D.,  d'Oreye, N. & Kervyn, F. 2018. ‘Monitoring ground deformation and lava accumulation in volcanic craters using UAS image acquisitions and 4D photogrammetry’. AGU Fall Meeting. Book of abstracts. Washington D.C., U.S.A.
  • Dille, A.Kervyn, F.,  Bamulezi Ganza, G.,  Mawe Ilombe, G.,  Buzera Kalikone, C.,  Mugaruka Bibentyo, T.,  Safari Makito, E.,  Monsieurs, E.Delvaux, D.Smets, B.,  Kervyn, M. & Dewitte, O. 2018. ‘Characterising drivers and mechanisms of landsliding in a tropical context – Ikoma landslide, DR Congo’. Geologica Belgica. Book of abstracts. Leuven.
  • Dille, A.Kervyn, F.,  Mugaruka Bibentyo, T.,  Delvaux, D.,  Bamulezi Ganza, G.,  Mawe Ilombe, G.,  Moeyersons, J.Monsieurs, E.Smets, B.,  Kervyn, M. & Dewitte, O. 2018. ‘Questioning causes and drivers of slope instability in a tropical context – insights from the Ikoma Landslide (DR Congo)’. Young Researcher Overseas Day. Book of abstracts. Brussels : Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences.
  • Dewitte, O.Delvaux, D.Dille, A.,  Jacobs, L.,  Michellier, C.Monsieurs, E. & Kervyn , F. 2017. ‘Assessing landslide hazard in an urban-sprawling context: Bukavu (DR Congo)’. Multidisciplinary Workshop: Disasters and Resilience in the 21st century, Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences. Book of abstracts. Brussels.