Répertoire du personnel

Antoine Dille

Sciences de la Terre
Risques naturels
  • Dille, A.Nobile, A.Monsieurs, E.,  d'Oreye, N.,  Derauw, D.,  Malet, J-P.,  Kervyn, F.,  Kervyn, M. & Dewitte, O. 2017. ‘A multi-sensor approach to characterize landslide dynamics in a tropical urban environment’. Belgium Geography Day 2017. Book of abstracts.
  • Dille, A.Nobile, A.Monsieurs, E.,  d'Oreye, N.,  Derauw, D.,  Malet, J-P.,  Kervyn, F.,  Kervyn, M. & Dewitte, O. 2017. ‘A multi-sensor approach to characterise the spatio-temporal dynamics of landslides in tropical urban environment: focus on Bukavu (DR Congo)’. Disaster and Resilience in the 21st Century. Book of abstracts. Brussels : Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences.
  • Dille, A.Nobile, A.Monsieurs, E.Kervyn, F.,  Kervyn, M. & Dewitte, O. 2017. ‘Characterizing landslide dynamics in a tropical urban environment: focus on Bukavu (DR Congo)’. Journées Aléas Gravitaires 2017. Book of abstracts.
  • Dille, A.,  Poppe, S.,  Mossoux, S. & Soulé, H. 2017. ‘Small scale lahars at Karthala volcano: comparing probabilistic Q-LavHA and LAHARZ simulations’. IAVCEI 2017. Book of abstracts.
  • Dille, A.,  Poppe, S.,  Mossoux, S.,  Soulé, H. & Kervyn, M. 2017. ‘Characterisation and probabilistic modelling of small scale lahars on a basaltic shield: Karthala volcano, Grande Comore Island’. EGU General Assembly 2017. Book of abstracts, vol. 19, egu2017-876-1.
  • Nobile, A.Dewitte, O.Dille, A.Monsieurs, E.,  d'Oreye , N.,  De Rauw, D.,  Samsonov, S. & Kervyn, F. 2017. ‘InSAR time series to characterize landslide ground deformations in a tropical urban environment: focus on Bukavu, East African Rift System (DR Congo)’. Fringe. Book of abstracts.
  • Dewitte, O.Nobile, A.Dille, A.,  Maki-Mateso, J.-C.,  Monsieurs, E.,  Mugaruka Bibentyo, T.,  Kulimushi Matabaro, S.,  Jacobs, L.,  Albino, F.,  d'Oreye, N. & Kervyn, F. 2016. ‘Landslide characterization from space in the tropical environments of the Rift flanks west of Lake Kivu (DRC)’. 35th International Geological Congress (IGC), Cape Town, South Africa, 27 August – 4 September 2016. Book of abstracts.