Tervuren Xylarium Wood Database

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Familia: Capparaceae
Species name according to: Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 1: 254. 1824.
Accepted standard name: this name is accepted
Pictures from external sites
Features and microscopic photographs from Inside Wood database
Local and/or commercial names
Name Language Region Country Source
Chichiwa hausa Nigeria Keay (1989)
Leggal bali fula Nigeria Keay (1989)
mswachulu Malawi http://ag.arizona.edu/OALS/oals/oals.html
Shegara al zeraf arabic Nigeria Keay (1989)
Umenwayo Soler
Umumeno kinyarwanda Rwanda Troupin (1982)
Specimens available at the Tervuren Xylarium