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4 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°3539 : sample with yellow powdery kasoliteMinerals: KASOLITE HEMATITE QUARTZYear: 1953Country: France
Sample n°6399 : sample with schoepite as yellow rosettes and yellow to orange crystals, yellow uranopilite crust, ianthinite as purple core of schoepite rosettes, pale yellow rutherfordine crystals and radial aggregates, possible pale yellow to white studtiteMinerals: IANTHINITE SCHOEPITE URANOPILITE RUTHERFORDINE STUDTITE URANINITEYear: 1958Country: France
Sample n°13152 : sample with coating of green meta-autunite crystalsMinerals: META-AUTUNITEYear: 1974Country: France
Sample n°14233 : sample with white studtite fibresMinerals: QUARTZ STUDTITEYear:Country: France