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Hierarchical browse >> oxides and hydroxides >> - >> SCHOEPITE
52 samples matching your criteria
Hierarchical browse >> oxides and hydroxides >> - >> SCHOEPITE
52 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°1322 : sample with yellow paraschoepite plates, powdery and coarser yellow soddyite, yellow schoepite needles, phosphuranylite as yellow powder, massive curite and curite needles, yellow-grey fibro-radial rutherfordineMinerals: PARASCHOEPITE SODDYITE CURITE PHOSPHURANYLITE RUTHERFORDINE SCHOEPITE URANINITEYear: 1932Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2219 : sample with yellow schoepite crystals, also yellow schoepite needles on uraninite, fourmarierite as red bundles and yellow-orange needles, white rutherfordine flakes, yellow radial metaschoepite aggregates, black metallic siegeniteMinerals: FOURMARIERITE SCHOEPITE METASCHOEPITE RUTHERFORDINE SIEGENITE URANINITEYear: 1947Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2678 : sample with purple ianthinite crystals in geode, yellow schoepite needles and some wider crystals, orange vandendriesscheite crystals, massive curite, scoriaceous uraniniteMinerals: IANTHINITE SCHOEPITE VANDENDRIESSCHEITE CURITE URANINITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2683 : sample with uraninite, yellow schoepite veinletMinerals: URANINITE SCHOEPITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2684 : sample with black uraninite fibres and scoriaceous uraninite, scaly schoepite, little becquereliteMinerals: SCHOEPITE URANINITE BECQUERELITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2686 : sample with well-developed becquerelite crystals, schoepite needles and partially dehydrated yellow schoepite crystals, white rutherfordine needlesMinerals: BECQUERELITE SCHOEPITE RUTHERFORDINE URANINITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2687 : sample with yellow schoepite fibres, purple ianthinite needles (almost completely transformed), black uraninite needlesMinerals: SCHOEPITE IANTHINITE URANINITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2688 : sample with yellow schoepite needles, honey-coloured wulfenite crystals in uraninite geodeMinerals: SCHOEPITE URANINITE WULFENITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2689 : sample with abundant yellow schoepite needles, greenish yellow rutherfordine crust, orange vandendriesscheite crystals, scoriaceous uraniniteMinerals: SCHOEPITE RUTHERFORDINE URANINITE VANDENDRIESSCHEITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2690 : sample with well-developed yellow flattened schoepite crystals, amber-coloured becquerelite laths, massive curiteMinerals: BECQUERELITE SCHOEPITE CURITE URANINITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)