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21 samples matching your criteria
Hierarchical browse >> oxides and hydroxides >> - >> STUDTITE
21 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°2225 : sample with red-orange tabular/acicular wolsendorfite crystals, fibrous yellow studtite, powdery and radial-acicular greenish yellow uranophane, grey wulfenite needles in geodesMinerals: STUDTITE WOLSENDORFITE BECQUERELITE URANINITE URANOPHANE WULFENITEYear: 1947Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2692 : sample with amber-coloured becquerelite laths, wolsendorfite as red plates and orange mass, fibro-radial studtite nodules on becquereliteMinerals: BECQUERELITE WOLSENDORFITE STUDTITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2749 : sample with well-developed kasolite crystals, golden-yellow studtite fibres, metatorbernite plates, massive and acicular curiteMinerals: KASOLITE STUDTITE CURITE METATORBERNITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2840 : sample with large orange tabular becquerelite crystals, crust of orange acicular masuyite crystals, aggregate of yellow studtite fibres, yellow uranophane plates in becquerelite and studtite, radial sklodowskite aggregatesMinerals: BECQUERELITE MASUYITE SKLODOWSKITE STUDTITE URANINITE URANOPHANEYear: 1949Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6156 : sample with amber-coloured elongated becquerelite crystals, compact yellow-orange billietite crystals, yellow silky studtite fibres on becquerelite, yellow radial sklodowskite aggregatesMinerals: BECQUERELITE BILLIETITE STUDTITE SKLODOWSKITE URANINITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6161 : sample with becquerelite as bright yellow laths and needles, salmon-coloured silky studtite rosettes, billietite as groups of well-developed amber-coloured compact crystals and yellow powder (centre of studtite rosettes), red massive wolsendorfite, uranophane as yellow powderMinerals: BECQUERELITE BILLIETITE STUDTITE URANINITE URANOPHANE WOLSENDORFITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6162 : sample with elongated amber-coloured becquerelite and billietite crystals, white studtite aggregates on billietite, red wolsendorfite, yellow-green uranophane substrateMinerals: BECQUERELITE BILLIETITE STUDTITE URANINITE URANOPHANE WOLSENDORFITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6372 : sample with lepersonnite rosettes, fibro-radial studtite, massive yellow uranophane, honey-coloured becquerelite crystals, round orange kasolite aggregatesMinerals: LEPERSONNITE-(Gd) STUDTITE BECQUERELITE CURITE KASOLITE RUTHERFORDINE URANOPHANEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6399 : sample with schoepite as yellow rosettes and yellow to orange crystals, yellow uranopilite crust, ianthinite as purple core of schoepite rosettes, pale yellow rutherfordine crystals and radial aggregates, possible pale yellow to white studtiteMinerals: IANTHINITE SCHOEPITE URANOPILITE RUTHERFORDINE STUDTITE URANINITEYear: 1958Country: France
Sample n°6438 : sample with silky yellow studtite fibres, uranophane needles and rosettes, orange kasolite crystals, honey-coloured wulfenite crystalsMinerals: STUDTITE URANOPHANE KASOLITE URANINITE WULFENITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)