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5 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°3339 : sample with small yellow dumontite crystals, small amber-coloured to brown curienite crystalsMinerals: CURIENITE DUMONTITE METATORBERNITEYear:Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°11958 : sample with curienite as orange blades, isolated honey-coloured crystals and as yellow powder, mounanaite as crust of chocolat-brown crystals, orange uranopilite nodulesMinerals: CURIENITE MOUNANAITE URANOPHANEYear: 1969Country: Gabon
Sample n°12911 : sample with banded francevillite composed of yellow crystals, green octahedral metatorbernite crystals, orange curienite spheres, on coarse-grained sandstoneMinerals: FRANCEVILLITE METATORBERNITE CURIENITEYear: 1972Country: Gabon
Sample n°12923 : sample with curiente as yellow powder, yellow-orange crystals and small as yellow/honey-coloured crystals, on radioactive substrateMinerals: CURIENITEYear: 1972Country: Gabon
Sample n°13504 : sample with golden-yellow curienite crystals, yellow haiweeite nodules, white calcite needlesMinerals: CURIENITE HAIWEEITE CALCITEYear: 1978Country: Mexico