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14 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°2588 : white hydrozincite coating on botryoidal hemimorphite massMinerals: HYDROZINCITE HEMIMORPHITEYear: 1949Country: Congo (Congo-Brazzaville)
Sample n°2896 : pale green round smithsonite aggregate, white hydrozincite coatingMinerals: HYDROZINCITE SMITHSONITEYear: 1948Country: Congo (Congo-Brazzaville)
Sample n°6789 : very light white concretionary blockMinerals: HYDROZINCITEYear: 1954Country: Spain
Sample n°11436 : white hydrozincite aggregates (4 cm) on grey-green smithsonite massMinerals: SMITHSONITE HYDROZINCITEYear:Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°13655 : breccious block (8 cm) with white clayey materialMinerals: HYDROZINCITE GOETHITE SMITHSONITEYear: 1979Country: Turkey
Sample n°15781 : small fragment with hydrozincite vein, fluorescentMinerals: HYDROZINCITEYear:Country: USA
Sample n°16140 : botryoidal coatings of well-developed crystalsMinerals: HYDROZINCITE SMITHSONITEYear:Country: Tunisia
Sample n°16229 : tabular tarbuttite, covered by fine-grained hydrozinciteMinerals: HYDROZINCITE TARBUTTITEYear: 2009Country: Namibia
Sample n°17234 : thick white veinsMinerals: HYDROZINCITEYear: 2015Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°17235 : layered plateMinerals: HYDROZINCITEYear: 2015Country: Congo (RDC)