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75 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°755 : block of dark blue fibrous nodules (shattuckite), green nodules (malachite), olive-green crust (volborthite)Minerals: SHATTUCKITE MALACHITE VOLBORTHITEYear: 1910Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°1063 : geode of white and blue quartz, malachite fibres, blue veins (shattuckite), olive-green crust (volborthite)Minerals: MALACHITE QUARTZ SHATTUCKITE VOLBORTHITEYear: 1910Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2246 : dark blue fibro-radial nodules (shattuckite), blue powder (katangite)Minerals: KATANGITE (plancheite) SHATTUCKITEYear: 1947Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2671 : fine pale blue and dark blue nodulesMinerals: PLANCHEITE SHATTUCKITEYear: 1923Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2676 : various types of pseudomorphism after calcite scalenohedraMinerals: DIOPTASE PLANCHEITE SHATTUCKITEYear: 1923Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2807 : layer of dark blue shattuckite nodules on malachiteMinerals: SHATTUCKITE MALACHITEYear: 1927Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2814 : tabular and fibrous malachite crystalsMinerals: MALACHITE SHATTUCKITEYear:Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°3146 : blue fibro-radial noduleMinerals: SHATTUCKITE KATANGITE (plancheite)Year: 1952Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°4544 : massive blue fibro-radial block with olive-green volborthite veinsMinerals: SHATTUCKITE VOLBORTHITEYear:Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°4722 : pale blue katangite nodules, blue shattuckite fibresMinerals: KATANGITE (plancheite) BARYTE MALACHITE SHATTUCKITEYear:Country: Congo (RDC)