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Sample n° 12027
Minerals found in the sample
Mineral | Formula | Category | Subcategory | Importance |
PHLOGOPITE | KMg3(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 | phyllosilicates | mica | major |
thick plate
Rousseaux, J.M., Gomez Laverde, C., Nathan, Y. & Rouxhet, P.G., 1972. Correlation between stretching bands and the chemical composition of trioctahedral micas. In Serratosa, J.M. (ed.), Proceedings of the International Clay Conference, Madrid. CSIC, Madrid, pp. 89-98. // Rousseaux, J.M., Rouxhet, P.G., Vielvoye, L.A. & Herbillon, A.J., 1973. The vermiculitization of trioctahedral micas. I. The K level and its correlation with chemical composition. Clay Minerals 10, 1-16. // Sanz, J. & Stone, W.E.E., 1976. Ordre-désordre dans la distribution des ions hydroxyles et fluor des micas trioctaédriques par résonance magnétique nucléaire. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 282, Série B, 282, 361-364. // Sanz, J., & Stone, W.E.E., 1977. NMR study of micas. I. Distribution of Fe2+ ions on the octahedral sites. Journal of Chemical Physics 67, 3739-3743. // Sanz, J., Meyers, J., Vielvoye, L. & Stone, W.E.E., 1978. The location and content of iron in natural biotites and phlogopites : a comparison of several methods. Clay Minerals 13, 45-52. // Sanz, J. & Stone, W.E.E., 1979. NMR applied to minerals. II. Distribution of Fe2+, F-, and OH- in the octahedral sheet of phlogopites. American Mineralogist 64, 116-126. // Stone, W.E.E. & Sanz, J., 1980. Distribution of ions in the octahedral sheet of micas. In Stucki, J.W. & Banwart, W.L. (eds.), Advanced Chemical Methods for Soil and Clay Minerals Research. NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series, Series C, Volume 63. D. Riedel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, p. 317-329. // Sanz, J. & Stone, W.E.E., 1983. NMR study of minerals. III. The distribution of Mg2+ and Fe2+ around the OH groups in micas. Journal of Physics C 16, 1271-1281. // Sanz, J. & Stone, W.E.E., 1983. NMR applied to minerals. IV. Local order in the octahedral sheet of micas : Fe-F avoidance. Clay Minerals 18, 187-192. (sample P-18)
- Country: Canada
- Region: Quebec
- Locality: Wakefield
Donors: National Museum of Natural Sciences, OttawaDonation year: 1969
Sampling year:Registration date:
Dimension code 1>2>3: 2Quality code 1>2>3: 1
Holotype: noParatype: noRadioactive: no
Thin section: noChemical analysis: noX-Ray spectra: no