Inventory of the Stanley Archives
Dorothy Tennant.
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12 archives found
Letter from Denzil M. Stanley to Gertrude Tennant , 12-10-1912 , Eton College, Windsor
Letter [with envelop] from William Hoffman to Denzil M. Stanley , begging for assistance and asking back the Stanley letters that were in his possession , 11-01-1927 , London
Letters from Charles Liebrechts to Denzil M. Stanley , on the occasion of a Stanley commemoration in Brussels , 1927 , Brussels (3pieces)
Letter from the Belgian Ministère des Colonies to Denzil M. Stanley , offering him an album with Stanley commemoration stamps , 31-07-1928 , Brussels
Letter from George MacDonald to [?] , "I certify that I attended Mrs. Walter Rowland (…)" , 04-06-1928 , Wrexham
Cf. letter from Maria Rowland to Denzil M. Stanley, 21-11-1929
Letter from William Hoffman to Denzil M. Stanley, , begging for assistance , 26-05-1930 , London
Letter [with envelop] from Maria Rowland to Denzil M. Stanley , informing him of the death of her father Walter Rowland, an alleged relative of Stanley , 21-11-1929 , Wrexham
With obituary Walter Rowland and a missionary film lecture announcement
Letter from Captain Louis Valcke to "les Descendants de son ancien chef, Henry M. Stanley" , thanking them for their attention , 18-08-1930 , Blankenberghe
Letters from Arsène Matton to Denzil M. Stanley , concerning a Stanley monument at Matadi , 1929-1932 (3pieces) , with photographs
Letter from Frank Hird to Denzil M. Stanley , sending him seven proof chapters [of his Stanley biography] , 01-04-1935 , London
[enclosed extract concerning the Maxim gun]
Letter from Charles Liebrechts to Denzil M. Stanley , concerning a letter he addressed to the British ambassador in Brussels in order to stress Stanley's pacifistic character , 04-08-1937 , Ostend
Letter from Sir Irving Gane to Denzil M. Stanley , 11-04-1957 , Chamberlain's Court, Guildhall House, London
Enclosed photostatic copies of the Minutes of the Court of Common Council held on 21-11-1872 (with Resolution expressing appreciation of Stanley's discovery and relief of Livingstone), the ceremony of Admission to the Honorary Freedom on 13-01-1887, and a Report to the Court of Common Council of a reception to HMS given on 13-05-1890.