Inventory of the Stanley Archives
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30 archives found
Photograph of Stanley's departure from Vivi, June 1884, with (among others) HMS and Sir Francis de Winton , 10,1 x 16 -
Large notebook containing some copies of ordonnances , reglements regarding the proclamation of the État Indépendant du Congo and its territories; with some loose correspondence by the administrators of the É.I.C. , 1886 -
Cabinet photograph of HMS, full-face, mounted on card, ink inscription on the reverse "donné par l'explorateur au Gal [Général] de Formanoir de la Cazerie (…)" , 22-04-1890 , 14,5 x 10,1 -
Menu of a dinner of the Société Royale de Géographie d'Anvers on the visit of Verney Lovett Cameron , 30-01-1891 -
Address on the occasion of a visit of HMS to Antwerp -
Letter [photograph reproduction] from HMS to Mr. Charlier (Société Cockerill) , about a steamer for the Congo , 20-12-1878 , [Brussels][with reproduction of sternwheeler type Délivrance] -
Photograph album The American Testimonial Banquet to Henry M. Stanley, 1890, with photographs of HMS, William G. Stairs, Thomas H. Parke -
Notebook with a list of the porters of the EPRE and their rate of pay per month, brown leather , 22 pp. , folio -
Cabinet photograph of HMS, three-quarter view, mounted on card, ink inscription , 20-04-1890 , 14,5 x 10 -
Photograph of HMS with dedication to Jeanne Orianne , "Pour une 'jeune fille' - belle et bonne (…)" , 24-09-1886 , London , 13 x 10,5 -
Photograph of HMS, sitting on his desk, framed in a passe partout, pencil inscription with Stanley's signature , 15-07-1899 , 32,4 x 29,7 -
Pêle-mêle containing 9 photographs of Watterinkx and Krooboys, Houssas, the King of Cabinda, scenes from Boma and Vivi, Dualla, the boy of Dr. Allard, King Massala -
Pêle-mêle containing 9 photographs of Captain Hanssens, Lieutenant Orban, Dr. Allard, the steamer Ville d'Anvers, Vivi Station, departure of HMS from Vivi in June 1884, sanatorium of Boma -
Pêle-mêle containing 9 photographs of Houssas, negroes of Zanzibar and the Comores Islands, sanatorium of Boma -
Small book Mabanza ma monsembe, ed. John H. WEEKS, Baptist Missionary Society, Monsembe, 1894 , containing some stories and folklore current among the Bangalas , 43 pp.With a letter from John H. Weeks to HMS, London, 08-01-1896