

Geodynamic processes, erosion and sedimentation for the last 30.000 years in the Tanganyika-Rukwa-Malawi Rift area, Western Tanzania
The Rukwa project study the relationship between geodynamic processes, erosion and sedimentation in the Rukwa lake depression and its surrounding drainage basin, for the last 30 Ka (Late Pleistocene-Holocene). It combines morphostructural, paleoseismic and seismic investigations in the Rukwa basin and surrounding areas, with high-resolution seismic stratigraphy on Lake Rukwa. It includes also electric resistivity profiles, differential GPS surveys, digital terrain modelling, air photo and remote sensing processing and analysis, and GIS data integration. It comprises both on-shore and off-shore investigations. It aims at recognizing and differentiating the recent an active tectonic, volcanic and climatic signatures in the geological record (landscape evolution and sedimentary deposits) in the view of reconstructing the timing and recurrence of the tectonic and volcanic activities and the impact of the climatic changes and the recent environment. As outcomes of the project for the society, it should provide geological hazard estimations (earthquakes, volcanism, landslides) and risk assessment for the local communities, as a better knowledge of the dynamic tectonic processes that shape the landscape and have an impact on the human society.

Principal investigator:


2004 2007

External collaborators:

A.S. Macheyeki U. Dar es Salaam

University of Gent, Renard center for Marine Geology
Royal Observatory of Belgium, Seismology unit
University of Dar es Salaam, Dept. of Geology (Tanzania)
Geological Survey of Tanzania
University of Zambia, Lusaka, Dept. of Geology (Zambia)
University of Lubumbashi, Dept. of Geology (R.D. Congo)