

The quest for natural resources in Central Africa. The case of the mining sector in DRC
Searching for and exploiting natural resources in Central Africa play an important though ambiguous part in the area overall growth. This search attracts politicians, business and mass media’s attention. With this symposium on such crucial issues, the RMCA offers an excellent meeting place and discussion forum and puts to the benefit of all parties involved its comparative advantage of being at the same time a Museum and a Research Institute devoted to both the nature and culture of Central Africa. This event seeks to trigger research on valid ways to get all participants of society benefit from the development of natural resources, while taking into account their natural environment and cultural values, and enabling these participants to access information easily. DRC mining sector, taken as an example for its fundamental matter on peace and better future in the area, will be our case study. This, through a global, multidisciplinary and trans-sector based approach. RMCA, thanks to its multidisciplinary experience and initiative in various projects, intends to confront analysts to fieldworkers, in a hopefully original contribution, among so many past and future surveys, remarks and recommendations on that topic.

Principal investigator:

  • Sabine Bompuku Eyenga-Cornelis


2008 2008

Museum staff:

External collaborators:

Billy Kalonji (COMRAF). Scientific Comitee: Bogumil Jewsiewicki (Université Laval/Canada), Jacob Sabakinu (UNIKIN), Jean Omasombo (CEP/MRAC), Erik Kennes (MRAC), Wamu Oyatambwe (ACODEV), Isidore Ndaywel (UNIKIN), Filip De Boeck (K.U.Leuven), Gauthier de Villers (emeritus MRAC), Filip Reyntjens (U.A.), Elikia M'Bokolo (EHESS).