Staff directory
Max Fernandez-Alonso
Earth Sciences
Geodynamics and mineral resources
Geodynamics and mineral resources
21 projects
Transfer of geo-data and knowledge in support of a Geo-IMS at RMB (Rwanda Mines, petroleum and Gas Board)SDMR-RMBBegin: 2018End: 2019
Modular interoperable database system and Portal for Belgian Natural History CollectionsNaturalHeritageBegin: 2017End: 2019
Earth Sciences Geodata Information SystemEARTHGISBegin: 2017
GEOSUDESTE 2017Begin: 2016End: 2019
KMMA Knowledge center Mirror server in KinshasaKMMA_CRGM_MIRRORBegin: 2015
PROJET S1_RDC_CRGM: Projet de développement des capacités en recherches et expertises du Centre de Recherches géologiques et minières en RDCBegin: 2014End: 2016
Projet de la Bonne Gouvernance comme Facteur de Croissance du secteur minierPROMINESBegin: 2013End: 2016
AEGOS – African-European georesources Observation SystemAEGOSBegin: 2009
The 1000m thick Redbeds sequence of the Congo River Basin (CRB): a generally overlooked testimony in Central Africa of post-Gondwana amalgamation (550 Ma) and pre-Karoo break-up (320Ma)RedbedsBegin: 2009
GECO II: Geology for an Economic sustainable developmentBegin: 2009End: 2012