Staff directory
Marc De Meyer
Esselens, L., Vanbergen, S., Kayenbergh, A., Meganck, K., Smitz, N., Deschepper, P., Cugala, D., Mwatawala, M., Manrakhan, A., Addison, P., Virgilio, M. & De Meyer, M. 2024. ‘Recovering DNA barcodes from Whole Genome Sequencing data. A test case with the "true" fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae)’. 9th International Barcode of Life Conference. Book of abstracts. Bélem, Brazil, 144.
Mullens, N., Kabota, S., Bakengesa, J., Esselens, L., Tairo, J., Smitz, N., Meganck, K., De Meyer, M., Mwatawala, M., Jordaens, K., Majuba, R., Janssens, S. & Virgilio, M. 2024. ‘A reference library of plant DNA barcodes to identify pollen loads in cultivated areas of East-Central Tanzania’. 9th International Barcode of Life Conference. Book of abstracts. Bélem, Brazil, 109-110.
Kratz, F., Vanden Abeele, S., Deblauwe, I., Hermy, M., Vanderheyden, A., Smitz, N., Schneider, A., Vanslembrouck, A., Delbecque, J., Breugelmans, K., Segers, B., De Meyer, M., Backeljau, T., Muller, R., Rebolledo, J. & Van Bortel, W. 2024. ‘Comparative genetic analysis of invasive mosquito species in Belgium supports diverse introduction pathways’. Neobiota: 13th international conference on biological invasions. Book of abstracts. Lisbon; Portugal, 318.
Vanden Abeele, S., Backeljau, T., Breugelmans, K., De Meyer, M., Kratz, F., Segers, B., Smitz, N., Vanderheyden, A. & Hendrickx, F. 2024. ‘BopCo: an identification service for species of policy concern, including invasive alien species’. Neobiota: 13th international conference on biological invasions. Book of abstracts. Lisbon; Portugal, 426.
Vanden Abeele, S., Vanderheyden, A., Dekoninck, W., Smitz, N., Kratz, F., Segers, B., Breugelmans, K., De Meyer, M. & Backeljau, T. 2024. ‘First record of three alien termite species (Insecta: Isoptera) In Belgium’. Neobiota: 13th international conference on biological invasions. Book of abstracts. Lisbon; Portugal, 425.
Vanderheyden, A., Smitz, N., Vanden Abeele, S., Kratz, F., Breugelmans, K., Segers, B., De Meyer, M. & Backeljau, T. 2024. ‘Identifying EU-listed invasive species by DNA-barcoding using currently available sequence data’. 9th International Barcode of Life Conference. Book of abstracts. Bélem, Brazil, 131.
Segers, B., Vanderheyden, A., Smitz, N., Kratz, F., Vanden Abeele, S., Breugelmans, K., Hendrickx, F., Backeljau, T. & De Meyer, M. 2024. ‘BopCo: The Belgian barcoding facility for organisms and tissues of policy concern’. 9th International Barcode of Life Conference. Book of abstracts. Bélem, Brazil, 114-115.
Smitz, N., Deblauwe, I., Cuypers, L., Hermy, M., Kratz, F., Ramaekers, K., Vanderheyden, A., Vanden Abeele, S., Breugelmans, K., Segers, B., Schneider, A., Delbecque, J., De Meyer, M., Backeljau, T., Muller, R., Verheyen, E., Rebolledo, J., Gryseels, S. & Van Bortel, W. 2024. ‘Monitoring potential disease hosts and vectors in Belgium: findings from two case projects’. 9th International Barcode of Life Conference. Book of abstracts. Bélem, Brazil, 30-31.
Vanderheyden, A., Vermeersch, X., Smitz, N., Vanden Abeele, S., Kratz, F., Breugelmans, K., Segers, B., De Meyer, M. & Backeljau, T. 2024. ‘Application of environmental DNA and quantitative PCR to detect the presence of four invasive crayfish species in Brussels waterbodies (Belgium)’. EBRIII. Book of abstracts. Leiden, the Netherlands.
Kratz, F., Cuypers, L., Smitz, N., Vanderheyden, A., Vanden Abeele, S., Breugelmanns, K., Segers, B., Ramaekers, K., Geraerts, M., De Meyer, M., Backeljau, T., Verheyen, E. & Gryseels, S. 2024. ‘Monitoring the trade in exotic animals through DNA Barcoding of Passenger-Imported Wild Meat’. EBRIII. Book of abstracts. Leiden, Netherlands .