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Alexandre Livingstone Smith
Cultural anthropology & history
Heritage studies
Heritage studies
Lupo, K.D., Schmitt, D.N., Ndanga, J.-P., Nguerede, L.P., Amaye, G.T., Livingstone Smith, A., Edwards, N.M., Power, R.P., Young, C. & Npo, F. 2021. ‘Hunter-gatherers on the basin’s edge: a preliminary look at Holocene human occupation of Nangara-Komba Shelter, Central African Republic’. MacDonald, K, Mitchell, P., Robertshaw, P. (ed), Azania - Archaeological Research in Africa 56: 4-33. Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1080/0067270X.2020.1865636. (PR).
Van Doosselaere, B., Burnez, L., Livingstone Smith, A. & Gomart, L. 2016. ‘The end of diversity? Pottery technology at the LBK/Villeneuve-Saint-Germain transition in Hesbaye, Belgium’. In: L Amkreutz, F Haack, D Hofmann & I van Wijk (ed), Something out of the ordinary? Interpreting diversity in the early Neolithic Linearbandkeramik culture of central and western Europe. Proceedings of the 19th EAA Conference. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, pp. 159-190. (PR)
Livingstone Smith, A. 2016. ‘Pottery and Politics: Making Sense of Pottery Traditions in Central Africa’. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 26: 471-491. I.F. 1.678.
Morin-Rivat, J., Biwolé, A., Gorel, A.-P., Vleminckx, J., Gillet, J.-F., Bourland, N., Hardy, O.J., Smith, A., Daïnou, K., Dedry, L., Beeckman, H. & Doucet, J.-L. 2016. ‘High spatial resolution of late-Holocene human activities in the moist forests of central Africa using soil charcoal and charred botanical remains’. The Holocene 26(12): 1954-1967. ISSN: 0959-6836. DOI: 10.1177/0959683616646184. I.F. 2015:2.135.
Cornelissen, E. & Livingstone-Smith, A. . 2015. ‘De archeologie van Congo in kaart gebracht. De geschiedenis van 130 jaar veldwerk’. Vlaamse overheid, Onroerend Erfgoed (ed), M&L Monumenten, Landschappen en Archeologie 34 nr.4: 4-27. ISSN: 0770-4948. (PR).
Bourland, N., Cerisier, F., Daïnou, K., Smith, A., Hubau, W., Beeckman, H., Brostaux, Y., Fayolle, A., Biwolé, A., Fétéké, F., Gillet, J.-F., Morin-Rivat, J., Lejeune, P., Ntoudé Tiba, E., Van Acker, J. & Doucet, J.-L. 2015. ‘How tightly linked are Pericopsis elata (Fabaceae) patches to anthropogenic disturbances in Southeastern Cameroon?’. Plinio Sist, Robert Nasi, Jean-Paul Laclau (eds), Forests 6(2), special issue : The 24th IUFRO World Congress: Session 64 What Future for Tropical Silviculture? : 293-310. DOI: 10.3390/f6020293. URL: I.F. 1.139.
Hubau, W., Van den Bulcke, J., Bostoen, K., Clist, B.O., Smith, A.L., Defoirdt, N., Mees, F., Nsenga, L., Van Acker, J. & Beeckman, H. 2014. ‘Archaeological charcoals as archives for firewood preferences and vegetation composition during the late Holocene in the southern Mayumbe, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 23(5): 591-606. DOI: 10.1007/s00334-013-0415-1. (PR).
Livingstone Smith, A., Gosselain, O. P., Mayor, A. & Guèye, S. 2010. ‘Modern roulettes in sub-Saharan Africa’. In: Haour, A.; Manning, K.; Arazi, N.; Gosselain, O. P.; Guèye, S.; Keita, D.; Livingstone Smith, A.; MacDonald, K. C.; Mayor, A.; McIntosh, S. K.,; Vernet ; R. (eds), African impressed pottery. Past and present. Techniques, identification and distribution. Oxford : Oxbow Monographs, pp. 35-108. (PR)
Guèye, S., Mayor, A., Mcintosh, S. K., Daouda, K., Livingstone Smith, A., Macdonald, K. C., Haour, A., Manning, K., Arazi, N., Gosselain, O. P. & Vernet, R. 2010. African impressed pottery. Past and present. Techniques, identification and distribution. Oxford : Oxbow Monographs. 196 p. (PR)
Livingstone Smith, A. 2010. ‘Pottery Tradition in Katanga (DRC). A comparative examination of roughing-out technologies’. Anthropos 105 (1): 179-190. (PR).