Staff directory
Garin Cael
Collections Management
Natural heritage Collections
Natural heritage Collections
Lobón-Rovira, J., Bauer, A.M., Vaz Pinto, P., Trape, J-F., Conradie, W., Kusamba, C., Júlio, T., Cael, G., Stanley, E.L., Hughes, D.F., Behangana, M., Masudi, F.M., Pauwels, O.S.G & Greenbaum, E. 2023. ‘Integrative revision of the Lygodactylus gutturalis (Bocage, 1873) complex unveils extensive cryptic diversity and traces its evolutionary history’. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society XX: 1-46. London : The Linnean Society of London. DOI: URL: I.F. 2.8.
Cael, G., Davy, J., Jacob, B. & Mergen, P. 2012. ‘The Royal Museum for Central Africa Cybertaxonomy portal and its subdomains: an interconnected helpdesk system and information management tool’. TDWG 2011 Annual Conference. Book of abstracts. (PR)
Louette, M., Cael, G. & Tavernier, W. (eds.). 2010. Proceedings of the Sixth European Bird Curators Meeting. Series ‘Journal of Afrotropical Zoology - Special Issue’. Tervuren : Royal Museum for Central Africa. (PR)
Cael, G., Theeten, F., Jacobsen, K., Cooleman, S., Smirnova, L., Davy, J. & Mergen, P. 2010. ‘The Cybertaxonomy unit of the Royal Museum for Central africa: The TDWG Connection’. TDWG (Biodiversity Information Standards) annual meeting. Book of abstracts. Woods Hole. (PR)
Dambach, J., Meißner, M., Rödder, D., Eekhout, X., Cael, G., Mazza, G., Zinetti, F. & De Biaggi, M. 2009. ‘Young European taxonomists searching for herps in Central Spain’. Amphibia 8-1: 17-28. (PR).
Theeten, F., Mergen, P., Bakasanda, O., Holetschek, J., Kelbert, P., Kasajima, M., Cael, G. & Kahindo, C. 2009. ‘Enhancing the Access and Publication of Biodiversity Data in Central Africa: The CABIN Technical Infrastructure’. Poster presented at the TDWG 2009 Annual Conference. Book of abstracts, 2009. Montpellier : Open Journal System Proceedings of TDWG. (PR) DOI:
Kahindo, c., Theeten, F., Mergen, P., Cael, G., Louette, M., Bakasanda, O., Kasajima, M., Kelbert, P., Holetschek, J., Arnaud, E. & Djallo, D. 2009. ‘Biodiversity networks in Africa: from knowledge management to technical and institutional implementation’. Presentation at the TDWG 2009 Annual Conference. Book of abstracts, 2009. Montpellier : Open Journal System Proceedings of TDWG. (PR) DOI:
Cael, G., Mergen, P., Huxley, R. & Owens, S. 2009. ‘The importance of a good balance between collections management and digitilisation’. Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2009 Conference. Book of abstracts, 2009. Montpellier : Open Journal System Proceedings of TDWG, (PR)
Dellieu, L., Cael, G., Louette, M., Herman, A., Deparis, O. & Sarrazin, M. 2017. ‘Light coherence time modifies color perception of living beings’. Materials Today: Proceedings 4: 4952-4958. Oxon : Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2017.04.101. URL: I.F. 21.695.
Cooleman, S., Cael, G., Meirte, D., Reygel, A. & Louette, M. 2012. ‘Het op punt stellen van de ornithologische collectie van het KMMA’. 10 p.