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24 samples matching your criteria
Hierarchical browse >> oxides and hydroxides >> - >> BILLIETITE
24 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°2746 : sample with long yellow to amber-coloured sklodowskite needles, small billietite crystals on sklodowskite needlesMinerals: BILLIETITE SKLODOWSKITE HETEROGENITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2772 : sample with thick amber-coloured billietite laths, bright canary-yellow silky schoepite fibres (fluorescent), black uraninite crystals, yellowish uranopilite coating, bright metallic siegeniteMinerals: BILLIETITE SCHOEPITE MOLYBDENITE SIEGENITE URANINITE URANOPILITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2823 : sample with red tabular fourmarierite crystals, amber-coloured tabular billietite crystals, large amber-coloured tabular becquerelite crystal, yellow-green radial uranophane aggregatesMinerals: BILLIETITE FOURMARIERITE BECQUERELITE METATORBERNITE URANINITE URANOPHANEYear: 1949Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2838 : sample with white uranophane needles, small white rutherfordine needles, small yellow billietite crystals on rutherfordine, green metatorberniteMinerals: URANOPHANE BILLIETITE METATORBERNITE RUTHERFORDINEYear: 1949Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°3157 : sample with red and black curite needles, small amber-coloured billietite crystals on curite, soddyite crystals and massive soddyiteMinerals: CURITE BILLIETITE SODDYITE URANINITEYear: 1952Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6156 : sample with amber-coloured elongated becquerelite crystals, compact yellow-orange billietite crystals, yellow silky studtite fibres on becquerelite, yellow radial sklodowskite aggregatesMinerals: BECQUERELITE BILLIETITE STUDTITE SKLODOWSKITE URANINITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6161 : sample with becquerelite as bright yellow laths and needles, salmon-coloured silky studtite rosettes, billietite as groups of well-developed amber-coloured compact crystals and yellow powder (centre of studtite rosettes), red massive wolsendorfite, uranophane as yellow powderMinerals: BECQUERELITE BILLIETITE STUDTITE URANINITE URANOPHANE WOLSENDORFITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6162 : sample with elongated amber-coloured becquerelite and billietite crystals, white studtite aggregates on billietite, red wolsendorfite, yellow-green uranophane substrateMinerals: BECQUERELITE BILLIETITE STUDTITE URANINITE URANOPHANE WOLSENDORFITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6269 : sample with soddyite and curite crystals, massive soddyite and curite, small amber-coloured billietite crystals, traces of metatorbernite, grey-white micaceous chloriteMinerals: BILLIETITE CURITE SODDYITE CHLORITE METATORBERNITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6270 : sample with soddyite crystals and massive soddyite, small amber-coloured billietite crystalsMinerals: BILLIETITE SODDYITE URANINITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)