

Digital citizen science for community-based resilient environmental management

Previous projects in Uganda (e.g. AfReSlide) highlighted the developmental challenges posed by rural population exposure to natural hazards associated to population pressure, fragile livelihoods and land scarcity. To document the evolution in time of these hazards, identify potential suitable strategies to reduce their impacts, and raise awareness among the affected communities several participatory tools have been developed, including a serious game and the concept of geo-observer network. This network is based on data collection and reporting by local farmers through a smartphone application. The concept has so far been tested and proved operational in the Rwenzori mountains though still limited in terms of equipment, skills and geographical scope.

 The D-SiRe project aims at going a step further by 1/ extending the geographical extent of the geo-observer network to several district across South West Uganda; 2/ enhance the skills and knowledge of these geo-observers as environmental facilitators able to serve as interface between the communities and the scientists; 3/ develop teaching and research capabilities for geo-database management and analysis in the partner universities; 4/ scientifically valorise the crowd-sourced database to improve spatio-temporal modelling of hazardous processes; 5/ develop and test new methods to initiate the implementation of resilient livelihood practices; 6/ favour multi-lateral interactions between rural communities, district authorities and scientists.

Investigateur principal:


2019 2023


Partenaires externes:

Prof. Matthieu Kervyn (VUB)
Prof. Liesbet Vranken (KU Leuven)
Dr. Liesbet Jacobs (KU Leuven)
Prof. Grace Rugunda Kagoro (MUST)