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Jonathan Brecko
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Collections patrimoine naturel
Brecko, J. & Pauwels, OSG. 2023. ‘Biofluorescence of the Mottled Shovel-nosed Frog, Hemisus marmoratus: First report for Hemisotidae’. Herpetology Notes 16: 723-725. DOI: https://www.biotaxa.org/hn/article/view/82826/7864. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374530231_Biofluorescence_of_the_Mottled_Shovel-nosed_Frog_Hemisus_marmoratus_First_report_for_Hemisotidae I.F. 0.336.
Article dans une revue scientifique / Article dans un périodique
We report the first case of biofluorescence for Hemisus marmoratus and for Hemisotidae under exposure of UV light. Both sexes of a series of live individuals imported from Togo, West Africa, reflected UV light and their pattern became vibrant yellow on a dark background. Freshly or old preserved specimens do not show any fluorescence.